Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week!
Week of May 18
Last Week of School!
* Zoom invite for our staff meeting Monday at 9 am is below. All are welcome to attend! 86061692707?pwd= YTFzdzZmVUVUTGVWQW9ZZ2U2eStEQT 09
Meeting ID: 860 6169 2707
Password: 4WLeT2
* Please send Jenny your end -of year Zoom link for Thursday.
* Please send the optional end-of-year celebration sign-up to parents.
* If you are helping with drop off and pick on May 19th-21st and/or you are scheduled to clean your classroom on the May 22nd or May 26th please remember the following:
-Make sure you report at the time you signed up for
-Have your temperature taken before you enter the building
-Wear a mask, gloves and social distance while in the building
-Use identified bathrooms only
-Bring water
* CIPG will be hosting professional development sessions on google classroom May 27 -29. More information will come from the District. It is strongly encouraged that all teachers who have not used google classroom or have limited knowledge about this attend.
* Please only share I Ready data with parents if they ask for it. Please do this over the phone or during a Zoom meeting versus sending a formal report. Please share that our purpose was to practice testing remotely and not to get a definite assessment of student performance. Please also note that there are questions regarding the validity of the measure.
* Students will be able to access IReady through July 24th.
* If you are a classroom teacher in grades K-4 please identify students who demonstrated minimal to no participation during remote learning by completing this survey by Wednesday, May 20.
* Click here for the end of year checklist.
* Click here to indicate your interest in serving on leadership team or a school science committee next year. Please complete the survey by the end of the day Monday, May 18.
Open Enrollment is an annual opportunity for staff to change, elect, or waive benefits coverage for the next benefit plan year (July 1 to June 30). Employees may also add eligible dependents to their coverage, remove ineligible dependents, and enroll in or update a Flexible Spending Account. Open Enrollment is May 15, 2020, through May 29, 2020. Open Enrollment for making changes to your benefits for 2020 begins Friday, May 15, 2020, and ends on Friday, May 29, 2020. Questions? If you have any questions about Open Enrollment or your benefits, contact the Benefits team at (720) 433-0140 or
* Jenny, Kristi, Anita, Megan and Libby for organizing the pick up and drop off process!
* Anita for the parade route!
* Josh for organizing the gym and keeping our building clean!
* Classroom teachers for packing students' materials!
* Kerry for sorting 700 students' art work!
* Kristi for facilitating an incredible book study! Thank you for engaging us in meaningful work!
* To everyone for all that you have done this year!
* Zoom invite for our staff meeting Monday at 9 am is below. All are welcome to attend!
Meeting ID: 860 6169 2707
Password: 4WLeT2
* Please send Jenny your end -of year Zoom link for Thursday.
* Please send the optional end-of-year celebration sign-up to parents.
* If you are helping with drop off and pick on May 19th-21st and/or you are scheduled to clean your classroom on the May 22nd or May 26th please remember the following:
-Make sure you report at the time you signed up for
-Have your temperature taken before you enter the building
-Wear a mask, gloves and social distance while in the building
-Use identified bathrooms only
-Bring water
* CIPG will be hosting professional development sessions on google classroom May 27 -29. More information will come from the District. It is strongly encouraged that all teachers who have not used google classroom or have limited knowledge about this attend.
* Please only share I Ready data with parents if they ask for it. Please do this over the phone or during a Zoom meeting versus sending a formal report. Please share that our purpose was to practice testing remotely and not to get a definite assessment of student performance. Please also note that there are questions regarding the validity of the measure.
* Students will be able to access IReady through July 24th.
* If you are a classroom teacher in grades K-4 please identify students who demonstrated minimal to no participation during remote learning by completing this survey by Wednesday, May 20.
* Click here for the end of year checklist.
* Click here to indicate your interest in serving on leadership team or a school science committee next year. Please complete the survey by the end of the day Monday, May 18.
* We will have a car parade on May 22nd. Please meet in the parking lot at Gold Rush with your car decorated at 11:45. We will follow a parade route from 12:00-12:30. Thank you Anita for planning our route! One staff member per car please.
* Monday is field day! Staff are encouraged to participate too! We would love you to post your field day pictures. Tag Gold Rush in your photos on Facebook @GoldRushElementary or on Instagram @GoldRushElementarySchool. If your account is private, DM Gold Rush on Instagram or Message us on Facebook. You can also link pictures to GRE's Album
* Click here for the 20-21 Master Schedule.
* The leadership team met regarding the calendar for the 20-21 school year. The team traded our December 18 workday to August 3 so all certified staff will be Monday, August 3. Please see the District Calendar and additional changes below.
* Email all ALPs and READ plans if you haven't done so already.
* Monday is field day! Staff are encouraged to participate too! We would love you to post your field day pictures. Tag Gold Rush in your photos on Facebook @GoldRushElementary or on Instagram @GoldRushElementarySchool. If your account is private, DM Gold Rush on Instagram or Message us on Facebook. You can also link pictures to GRE's Album
* Click here for the 20-21 Master Schedule.
* The leadership team met regarding the calendar for the 20-21 school year. The team traded our December 18 workday to August 3 so all certified staff will be Monday, August 3. Please see the District Calendar and additional changes below.
* Email all ALPs and READ plans if you haven't done so already.
Fernando Arguello - May 18 Kathryn Kramer - July 1
Betsy Zankey - May 21 Libby Bergner - July 24
Ashley Hagerty - May 22 Grace Furr - July 24
Elizabeth Meuli - May 22 Jenn Poli - July 27
Christina Kaufman - May 27 Diane Brown - July 30
Michelle Wright - May 27 Jacquie Carter - August 3
Meghan Hoff - June 3 Katie Schmidt - August 3
Sarah Wilson - June 4 Sherry Dowling - August 5
Lauren Mason - June 8
Stacey Baird - June 10
Karen Warner - June 17
Angel Zayas - June 18
Jan Francis - June 23
Kerry Dazzio - June 25HEALTH BENEFITS:
Open Enrollment is an annual opportunity for staff to change, elect, or waive benefits coverage for the next benefit plan year (July 1 to June 30). Employees may also add eligible dependents to their coverage, remove ineligible dependents, and enroll in or update a Flexible Spending Account. Open Enrollment is May 15, 2020, through May 29, 2020. Open Enrollment for making changes to your benefits for 2020 begins Friday, May 15, 2020, and ends on Friday, May 29, 2020. Questions? If you have any questions about Open Enrollment or your benefits, contact the Benefits team at (720) 433-0140 or
* Jenny, Kristi, Anita, Megan and Libby for organizing the pick up and drop off process!
* Anita for the parade route!
* Josh for organizing the gym and keeping our building clean!
* Classroom teachers for packing students' materials!
* Kerry for sorting 700 students' art work!
* Kristi for facilitating an incredible book study! Thank you for engaging us in meaningful work!
* To everyone for all that you have done this year!