Week of May 11
Monday:9:00-12:00 Team Planning
12:30-1:30 4th Grade Connections Via Zoom
1:30-2:30 5th Grade Connections Via Zoom
8:30-9:30 Kindie Connections Via Zoom
9:30-10:30 1st Grade Connections Via Zoom
10:30-11:30 2nd Grade Connections Via Zoom
11:30-12:30 3rd Grade Connections Via Zoom
7:45 ESL Mtg
10:30-11:30 Sped Team Mtg
* If you are entering the building to pack students' materials or if you are participating in drop off/pick up, please know a member of the core team (Jenny, Kristi, Libby or Anita) will take your temperature before you enter the building (or before help pass out materials). Staff are welcome to bring their own thermometer, take their temperature and show us their reading. Otherwise we will use GREs, which swipes across your head (it will be wiped with alcohol between uses). Staff that have a temperature will be sent home. Please text Anita (720-217-7790) when you are at the building and one of us will come outside of the building.
* If you are one of the staff members entering the building to pack up students' belongings you must wear a mask and gloves while in the building. Please practice social distancing while in the building. Tape to close your bags is available in the gym. Please make sure students' art work is in their bag before closing it.
* Please email a PDF of all ALP & plans to parents by May 15th.
* Please give Megan your clip of your team department clapping for our virtual clap out by the end of the day Monday, May 11 Please make your clip 20 seconds in length.
* Please make sure all ordering is in by the end of the day Monday, May 11.
* The specials teachers would love to join some of your Zoom meetings. Please invite them next week.
* We will have a car parade on May 22nd. Please meet in the parking lot at Gold Rush with your car decorated at 11:45. We will follow a parade route from 12:00-12:30. Thank you Anita for planning our route! One staff member per car please.
* The leadership team met regarding the calendar for the 20-21 school year. The team traded our December 18 workday to August 3 so all certified staff will be Monday, August 3. Please see the District Calendar and additional changes below.
First Week of School
* Please continue to update your grade level plans
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
* Click here to share teacher created videos across grades K-5.
Open Enrollment is an annual opportunity for staff to change, elect, or waive benefits coverage for the next benefit plan year (July 1 to June 30). Employees may also add eligible dependents to their coverage, remove ineligible dependents, and enroll in or update a Flexible Spending Account. Open Enrollment is May 15, 2020, through May 29, 2020. Open Enrollment for making changes to your benefits for 2020 begins Friday, May 15, 2020, and ends on Friday, May 29, 2020. Questions? If you have any questions about Open Enrollment or your benefits, contact the Benefits team at (720) 433-0140 or benefits@dcsdk12.org
* The leadership team met regarding the calendar for the 20-21 school year. The team traded our December 18 workday to August 3 so all certified staff will be Monday, August 3. Please see the District Calendar and additional changes below.
First Week of School
- August 3: All Classified Staff Report Back (1 Hour Welcome - rest of day Teacher Workday)
- August 4: Teacher Workday
- August 5: PLC Day
- August 6: Meet Your Teacher AM, staff lunch?, PM Teacher Workday
- August 7: 1st Day of School
Other Changes
- November 3: AM only PLC Day/PM Teacher Workday (August 6 Meet Your Teacher - AM Only)
- January 4: AM only PLC Day/PM teacher workday (February 12 PLC Day AM Only / PM Teacher Workday)
* Please continue to update your grade level plans
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
* Click here to share teacher created videos across grades K-5.
Open Enrollment is an annual opportunity for staff to change, elect, or waive benefits coverage for the next benefit plan year (July 1 to June 30). Employees may also add eligible dependents to their coverage, remove ineligible dependents, and enroll in or update a Flexible Spending Account. Open Enrollment is May 15, 2020, through May 29, 2020. Open Enrollment for making changes to your benefits for 2020 begins Friday, May 15, 2020, and ends on Friday, May 29, 2020. Questions? If you have any questions about Open Enrollment or your benefits, contact the Benefits team at (720) 433-0140 or benefits@dcsdk12.org
Lisa Nejedlo - May 11th
Mel Berry - May 14th
* Anita for designing our incredible signs for our fifth graders!
* Jenny, Kristi, Anita, Megan and Libby for helping create our drop off and pick up plan!
If you haven't done so already please make sure your read plans are updated prior to spring break and that your statement regarding opportunities provided during remote learning was added.
Please email a PDF of students' READ Plans to parents with the statement below by May 15th.
Language for Families Regarding Suspended READ Act Assessments and Plans:
During Spring 2020, students have engaged in a remote learning environment due to COVID 19. Students on READ Plans have been offered remote learning supports to continue their literacy growth. READ Plans were updated and shared with families after the middle of the year checkpoint.
The Colorado Department of Education has suspended formal READ Act assessments and updates to READ Plans for Spring 2020. The READ Plans that were shared with families at the middle of the school year for 2019-2020 will remain in place until Fall 2020. Families will not receive additional updates to READ plans this school year.