Sunday, May 7, 2017

Congratulations Anita and Megan!

This Week
5th Grade Junior Achievement

* SD: Class Placement

Jenny admin meeting

7:00 Spring Concert

Spring Tech Schedule: Remember technology classes will be in the Technology Lab

Upcoming Events

* May 8: Junior Achievement - Grade 5 
* May 9: PTO Meeting @ 8:45 AM
* May 12: Spring Concert @ 7:00 PM
* May 17: Math Olympiad Celebration @ 7:45 AM
* May 18: SAC Mtg @ 4:30-5:30 PM / Kindergarten Orientation @ 6:30-7:30 PM
* May 22 & May 23: Outdoor Education - Grade 5
* May 25: Sale Day - Grade 3
* May 26 & May 27: Beauty and the Beast
* May 30: Kindergarten Field Day / Used Book Sale
* May 31: Field Day - Grades 1-5 / Used Book Sale
* June 2: Last Day of School / Kindergarten Graduation

* Please acknowledge your summative evaluation.

Go For the Gold
• Thank you Elizabeth Meuli, Christi Dismang, Anita Rudman, and Janis Panico for weathering the storm in the health room!
• Thank you Tobey for all of the clean up!
• Thank you Mary Rossi, Jenn Poli, and Karen Warner for relocating your classes this week!

Golden Nuggets:
Morning announcements: Dalcerri
Lounge duty: Rossi/Graham

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...