* Book Fair - 7:30-4:30
* Book Fair - 7:30-6:30
* 9:00-10:00 Opening Enrollment Building Tours
* Book Fair - 7:30-4:30
* Digger's Family Feast and Celebration of Learning
* Book Fair - 7:30-6:30
* Data Discussions for READ Plan students
* Plan Day 3rd Grade
* Book Fair - 7:30-2:00
* Data Discussions for READ Plan students
* Fat Friday - Pumpkin spice and everything nice!
* Click here for READ Plan Template Guidelines and Progress Check Updates.
Please update the progress check for READ plan students every 6 weeks in Alpine.
* Students will take the Winter diagnostic within the December 3 - 14 window. Since they will be taking the diagnostic in December, our next Progress Monitoring check will be January 11th.
* Click here on how to view Growth Monitoring results.
* Click here for directions on how to view Instructional Groupings.
* Please sign up for your DRA/F&P day in the lounge if you have not done this yet.
* If you would like to talk to your students about Veteran's Day, here are some titles:
Pepper's Purple Heart by Heather French Henry
Granddad Bud: A veterans Day Story by SHaron Ferry
Veterans: Heroes In Our Neighborhood by Pfundstein
Hero Dad by Melinda Hardin
Veterans Day by Ansary
The Wall by Eve Bunting
We would love to capture any work you are doing around Veteran's Day. Please let Libby or Jenny know if you plan to do an activity. Thank you Gail for pulling these titles!
Data Discussions for READ Students - November 15 & 16
We are excited to hold data discussions and planning sessions for all READ students on November 15 and 16. A sub will cover your classroom while we review READ students' data and additional interventions. Click here for your specific day and time. Please plan on sharing students' current READ goals and the interventions you have tried. We will collaboratively review progress monitoring data and provide additional resources.
CITE 6 -Due in INSPIRED by November 15
Please make sure that your initial CITE 6 data and student targets are inputted into InspirED by Thursday, November 15. Please see Jenny, Libby or Kristi for help.
Celebrations of Learning & Thanksgiving Feast Schedule
Celebrations of Learning is an opportunity for your students to showcase their learning and great work with their parents. Please plan for activities for the full 30 minutes prior to your time for the grade level feast (see the schedule below).
Save the Date
Our GRE staff holiday party will be held this year on Thursday, December 20 (our last day before break!) The party will be at Gail Golish's home (thanks for hosting us Gail) and will begin at 4:00. You definitely don't want to miss this!
Kristi is is need of teachers to be part of a Gifted and Talented Identification team. This team meets 3 or 4 times between now and January to evaluate student data and determine services. This is an unpaid but totally super cool and fascinating opportunity!! Please let Kristi know if you are interested.
Happy Birthday
Gretchen Immen - November 18th
Kim Layton - November 20th
Kristi Barta - November 24th
Go For the Gold
Thank you teachers and aides an incredible PLC day!
Thank you Christy Schwalick for organizing mindfulness training for classified staff!
Thank you Meuli family for all of your work on behalf of students and teachers!
Thank you Anita for ordering delicious heart cookies!
Thank you Michelle Wright for the goodies at our PLC day!
Do you ever wonder who unloads the dishwasher every day and makes delicious coffee for you every morning? That would be our own Karen Petty. Please thank her when you get a chance!!
If you have anyone you would like to recognize, please let Libby know.
Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Hagerty
Lounge Duty: Kramer/Poli
Our GRE staff holiday party will be held this year on Thursday, December 20 (our last day before break!) The party will be at Gail Golish's home (thanks for hosting us Gail) and will begin at 4:00. You definitely don't want to miss this!
Kristi is is need of teachers to be part of a Gifted and Talented Identification team. This team meets 3 or 4 times between now and January to evaluate student data and determine services. This is an unpaid but totally super cool and fascinating opportunity!! Please let Kristi know if you are interested.
Happy Birthday
Gretchen Immen - November 18th
Kim Layton - November 20th
Kristi Barta - November 24th
Go For the Gold
Thank you teachers and aides an incredible PLC day!
Thank you Christy Schwalick for organizing mindfulness training for classified staff!
Thank you Meuli family for all of your work on behalf of students and teachers!
Thank you Anita for ordering delicious heart cookies!
Thank you Michelle Wright for the goodies at our PLC day!
Do you ever wonder who unloads the dishwasher every day and makes delicious coffee for you every morning? That would be our own Karen Petty. Please thank her when you get a chance!!
Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Hagerty
Lounge Duty: Kramer/Poli