Sunday, November 4, 2018

November 2018

This Week


* PLC Day @ 8:15-3:15 in the Gold Mine Room

* Stand Up Staff Mtg @ 8:00 AM

* Jenny admin meeting
* 4th Grade Plan Day

* Progress monitor all students in Reading

* We are excited to have a trainer from Teachers' College share Lucy Calkins' strategies with us.  We will plan on meeting from 8:15-3:15 in the Gold Mine room.  You will have 1 hour for lunch. Please bring the following to our PLC day Tuesday: Your full set of Lucy Calkins' reading materials including student texts and a notebook.  You will need your computer in the afternoon only.

Progress Monitoring in I READY
* We are going to progress monitor all students in Reading every three weeks in iReady. There will be a reminder in the Barker. Our next date is this Friday, November 9th. Please progress monitor all students on Friday.

* iReady uses the term growth monitoring, which is the same as progress monitoring. In Alpine, it is progress monitoring. Please enter progress monitor dates in Alpine for READ Act students every 6 weeks.

* Click here to learn how to view growth monitoring data.

* Please give Libby the list of what you want to report on for EPRs if you have not done so yet.

Data Discussions for READ Students - November 15 & 16
We are excited to hold data discussions and planning sessions for all READ students on November 15 and 16.  A sub will cover your classroom while we review READ students' data and additional interventions.  You will receive your specific day and time by the end of next week.  Please plan on sharing students' current READ goals and the interventions you have tried.  We will collaboratively review progress monitoring data and provide additional resources.

CITE 6  -Due in INSPIRED by November 15 
Please make sure that your initial CITE 6 data and student targets are inputted into InspirED by Thursday, November 15.  Please see Jenny, Libby or Kristi for help.

Celebrations of Learning & Thanksgiving Feast Schedule
Celebrations of Learning is an opportunity for your students to showcase their learning and great work with their parents.  Please plan for activities for the full 30 minutes prior to your time for the grade level feast (see the schedule below).

Save the Date
Our GRE staff holiday party will be held this year on Thursday, December 20 (our last day before break!) The party will be at Gail Golish's home (thanks for hosting us Gail) and will begin at 4:00. You definitely don't want to miss this!

Kindergarten Technology CoTeaching
Kindergartners explored the app ChatterPix this week in LOTS of engaging ways. With each task they took a picture, planned out their thinking using their Story Map strategy with five fingers, and then communicated by recording their voice. Kindergartners taught others how they go for the GOLD in Kindergarten, explained their favorite center and the activities they complete while there, described a favorite part of a book they are currently reading, and practiced their fluency by reciting Five Little Pumpkins in thirty seconds or less. Our youngest learners showed mastery of the app ChatterPix.

Happy Birthday
Cindy Bell - November 7th
Linda Dziura - November 7th
Kylee Lautenbach - November 11th
Michelle Sweet - November 11th

Go For the Gold
Thank you for all of the amazing Halloween parties and surviving the day!
Thank you Leadership team for your time and contributions!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Broecker
Lounge Duty: Wright/Hegyi

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...