This Week
* Lab visits with Janet Merrill
* 1:00-3:00 Jenny admin meeting
* 7:45 Social committee meeting in the office conference room
* SD: Enter Cite 6 data
* Dr. Tucker visit
* 5th grade plan day
* 5:00-6:00 Legend Trunk-or-Treat
* Fat Friday - Chili
* Please be ready to enter CITE 6 data in InspirED on Wednesday.
* Last call for a Spelling Bee facilitator. Please let Libby know if you are interested.
* Lab classroom visits with Janet Merrill are on Tuesday. Click here for the schedule.
Halloween breakfast parties will be held on Wednesday, October 31, from 8:40-9:30 AM. It is recommended that party treats be balanced with both nutritious options and sweets. We know that many parent attend our parties. We are encouraging all families to bring an item for the Parker Task Force when they are in. All donations can be placed in collection bins in the main vestibule.
Our school parade will follow at 9:30-9:45 AM. The parade route, along with directions will be in your box this week. Students who do not wish to participate in Halloween activities can rejoin the class at 9:45 AM. We will resume with a normal school day schedule at that time.
We encourage students to be creative with their costumes, but safety remains our number one priority. We ask students to adhere to the following guidelines when selecting a costume:
* Students should come dressed in their costume and bring a change of clothing.
* Costumes can not be demeaning, offensive or promiscuous.
* Face paint, face masks and weapons are not permitted.
We would love new ideas for some fun and activities for ALL of our staff. We know time is precious, but we would LOVE to have your voice and input at a meeting next Wednesday morning at 7:45 in the office conference room. If there are too many of us to fit, we will make a move. We definitely want both certified and classified folks to be a part of this!!
Happy Birthday
Heather Terry - October 25th
Go For the Gold
* Thank you Leadership Team for your time and insight!
* Thank you Jamie Marchese for leading our new Interact service club!
Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Leuschner
Lounge Duty: Robart/Roberts