Congratulations Ashley Hagerty!
October 2018
This Week
* Vision/Hearing Schedule
* 7:45 Social Media committee meeting
* Vision/Hearing Schedule
* 7:30 Leadership team meeting
* Janet Merrill visits GRE classrooms
* SD: Enter CITE 6 data in InspirED
* Assistant Superintendent - Ted Knight - Visits GRE classrooms
* Jenny admin meeting
* K plan day
* 4th grade field trip to the zoo
* Legend is hosting a Legend Family Trunk-or-Treat. The event is October 25th from 5:00-6:00. We are looking for teachers / teams to decorate their trunks and pass out candy to kids. Gold Rush will supply the candy. We would greatly appreciate anyone willing to participate in this event!
Click here for the SignUpGenius
Click here for the flyer.
* CITE 6
According to state law, 50% of your teacher evaluation will be based on student data, referred to as CITE 6. On Wednesday you will enter your CITE 6 data into InspirED with your grade level team. Please determine with your team which assessment(s) you are planning on using this year and bring your formative data on Wednesday. Let us know if you have questions or concerns.
* Our feeder PLS, Janet Merrill, will be at GRE on October 16th. She will be visiting classrooms to get to know teachers and see the wonderful work happening at GRE! Ted Knight, the Assistant Superintendent, will be visiting Gold Rush on Wednesday. He will also be visiting classrooms between 9:00-10:30.
* We are looking forward to hosting a new service club for fourth and fifth grade students called Interact. We are looking for a teacher to co-facilitate this club. We are also still looking for a teacher to coordinate the spelling bee. Both are paid positions. Please let Jenny know if you are interested in either position.
* Please update monthly blog for October. In your blog, please communicate with parents what's been happening in your classroom and during your co-teaching time and what is coming. You can pull information from your co-teaching sessions directly from this blog.
* Please make sure the double doors by the office are closed at all times. They are often left open before/after recess.
* Please turn in your golden tickets on Thursday before the end of the day.
Halloween parties will be from 8:45-9:30 in classrooms. The parade will follow from 9:30-10:00. More info to come next week.
* The Advanced Inquiry Program (AIP) is an affordable master’s program that combines web instruction from Miami University with experiential learning and field study through Denver Zoological Foundation. The 2019 application is now open. Applications are being accepted until February 28 at Courses begin in May 2019. If you would like more information, please see Libby.
Drill Reminders
* Keep all doors locked at all times.
* See the office if you need a magnet/stopper for your door.
* Fully remove your magnet/stopper to ensure doors lock.
* Remain on the floor with your students even during drills.
* Always have your classroom key on you.
Fire Drill
* We will let you know if the future if we are practicing a fire drill.
* Please keep your stopper/magnet on when we practice a fire drill
Evacuation Drill
* Please read the procedures for our building evacuation below.
Happy Birthday
Katie Timm - October 18th
Mackenzie Villanie - October 21st
Go For the Gold
* Thank you Shannon Wilde for all you have done for our school! We wish you the best of luck in your new job at Cimarron!
* Welcome back Diane Brown!
* Welcome Jacquie Carter, our new SSN EA!
* Thank you Stephanie Brown, Lindsay Reeves, Mary Beth Steinher, Carly Roberts, Jenn Poli, Kelly Broecker, Justin Brakefield, Rochelle Evans, Tammy Simpson, Stephanie Braden, Mackenzie Villanie and Karen Warner for participating in our Digger Dash celebration!
* Thank you Karen Petty and Tobey for helping set up!
Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Hagerty
Lounge Duty: Hoff/Steinher
2nd Grade Technology Co-Teaching
Second Graders analyzed different school communities and created Adobe Spark Video presentations that communicated the roles, rights, and responsibilities students have in their assigned area. Students planned how they would teach and communicate about their topic through speaking and meaningful pictures. Each student reflected on their work by completing a communication rubric and providing evidence that supported their self evaluation.
Student Samples:
Role, Rights & Responsibilities Video
Self Reflection Samples