This week
* Last week of library classes
* 9:30-1:00 Moore and Meier to Castlewood Canyon
* 7:45 Math Olympiad celebration
* SD: Class lists
* 9:30-1:00 Graham and Woolums to Castlewood Canyon
* 4:30-5:30 SAC meeting
* 6:30-8:30 Kindie orientation
* All library books are due today
* EPRs will go live to parents on 6/5 at midnight. Please release them on June 5 by noon (not before). Please see Kristi if you need help.
* We will have our end of the year staff meeting on Thursday, May 25th at 7:25 in the Gold Mine room.
* If you need help signing up for summer work days, please see Kristi.
* Our end of the year party will be at the Brewery Bar in Lone Tree on Friday, June 2nd at 4:00.
* Please give your grade level order forms to Kristi.
End of Year Technology Inventory To Dos - Please Read
May 23 or May 24 - Support for Workday Security Training
Must be completed by May 26
You will receive an email from the district with directions for changing your security measures in Workday. Support sessions will be held on May 23 & 24 at 7:30-8:15 in the tech lab.
May 31, June 1 or June 5 --Smart Board Laptop Back Up & Teacher Laptop System Updates
Must be completed by June 5 at 12 PM
All teachers need to:
1) back up their information on their smart board laptops & turn them in
2) update your teacher laptop
Teacher laptops will not be re-imaged, but the system update takes 30 minutes to complete.
June 1, 2 or 5: Drop off Student Devices
Must be completed by June 5 at 9 AM
- Review this checklist prior to delivering your cart.
- Chrome books carts should be delivered to the Gold Mine Room.
- Laptop & ipad carts should be delivered to the tech lab.
- Send personal headphones home with students. Keep extra headphones from Megan in your classroom.
Upcoming Events
* May 17: Math Olympiad Celebration @ 7:45 AM
* May 18: SAC Mtg @ 4:30-5:30 PM / Kindergarten Orientation @ 6:30-7:30 PM
* May 22 & May 23: Outdoor Education - Grade 5
* May 24: Sale Day - Grade 3
* May 26 & May 27: Beauty and the Beast
* May 30: Kindergarten Field Day / Used Book Sale* May 31: Field Day - Grades 1-5 / Used Book Sale
* June 2: Last Day of School / Kindergarten Graduation
End of Year Check Out - June 5th
Happy Birthday
Ayantu Geriba - May 20th
Go For the Gold
• Congratulations to Jamie Marchese and Janet Hurley who both celebrated college/master's degree graduations with their children this weekend!
• Thank you Kristi Barta, Ashley Dalcerri, and Michelle Anderson for all of your work with Math Olympiad!
• Thank you Karen Petty for your time and efforts with the honor choir!
• Congratulations to Gail Golish for winning the 'Service Above Self' award presented by the Cherry Creek Valley Parker Rotary Club. Gail received $350 for our school library. Way to go Gail!
Golden Nuggets
Morning announcements: Rayens
Lounge Duty: Meier/Moore/Woolums