Sunday, April 30, 2017

May 1, 2017

This Week
* Class Placement
    - Sped please plan on attending grade level conversations
    - Come with completed cards

* 12:30-2:00 5th Grade to Cimarron

* Kindergarten Egg Drop
* 9:30-2:00 First Grade to Botanic Gardens

* Please acknowledge your summative evaluation by May 6th!

* All DRA2 scores need to be entered in TWO places in IC by May 4th. Click here  for directions on where to enter the data.

* Istation needs to be administered between May 1-5. K-3 teachers please do this with all students, 4/5 teachers please administer to anyone on a READ plan.

Spring Tech Schedule

2017 Summer PD Opportunities!
Earn $300 or $600 PGI this summer at DCSD Summer PD!  
  1. Review your PGI hours on your PD transcript in InspirED
  2. Review the sessions for June 6-9 (both online and face to face classes available)
  3. Use the GRE highlighted sessions below or search all sessions!
  4. 15 hours = $300    30 hours = $600
  5. Sign up for sessions in InspirED (You must register for the event first) - there are both online and face-to-face classes.  
  6. Keynote sessions are not PGI eligible.
  7. Submit your PGI hours using this link by June 20:  PGI Submission Link!
Independent Planning Option
Earn up to 14 PGI hours for two days of planning!
We have a great opportunity to work on projects that benefit your upcoming year and teaching right here at GRE!!  On June 8 and 9, we will have work sessions here for 7 hours each day (8:00 - 3:30 with a 30 minute lunch).  Free childcare will be offered by some awesome high school students who would love to earn community service hours!
Use this LINK to submit a proposal for the use of your days by May 10.  You must also sign up in InspirED for these days to get credit.  

Some Recommended Sessions for GRE Teachers...
Instructional Practices
Effective Strategies for Teaching and Learning - Elementary
June 6
An Overview of Balanced Literacy in Reading:  Elementary Teachers Only
June 6
Strategies to Foster Mathematical Thinking and Problem Solving
June 6
Providing a Framework for Formative Practice
June 7
Creating and Refining Meaningful Feedback
June 6
Unit Planning
Creating, Refining and Updating your Units Using Mapping
June 6
9:00 - 11:00
Exploring Tech Tools for Literacy:  Grades 3 - 6 (other tech sessions during this time as well)
June 6 and June 7  
Upgrading Projects Using Tech Tools
June 7
Upgrading questioning through the integration of tech tools
June 7
Upgrading feedback and reflection through the integration of tech tools
June 6

If you have credits to claim for PGI- here is a link for more information!

PGI Submissions 2016-2017
PGI submissions for the 2016-2017 school year are due by June 20, 2016.  Please use the link above to submit for payment.  Information and requirements are included on the form. PGI hours are not able to be rolled over from this year into the 2017-2018 school year.  

2017-2018 Draft School Schedule

Click here for the draft schedule for next school year.  Please let Libby or Jenny know if you have questions or concerns.  Here are a few highlights

Happy Birthday
Nicole Moore - May 1st
Stacie Martino - May 2nd
Mel Berry - May 5th

Go For the Gold
• Thank you Karen Petty and Karen Warner for a great talent show!
• Thank you Karen Warner for being flexible with your space!
• Thank you Fat Friday team for the delicious taco bar!
• Thank you Bev Holtzer and Jessalyn Russell for relocating on Friday!
• Thank you Christy Schwalick for figuring out the 5th grade lunch issue!

Golden Nuggets
Morning announcements: Hawk
Lounge duty: McMillan/Robart

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...