Sunday, March 5, 2017

Congrats Bev!


This Week
8:00 picture in the gym 

Parent/teacher conferences

6:00 1st & 2nd Grade program

• Please make sure your blogs are updated monthly.
• Please let Jenny or Libby know if you would like them to attend a conference.
• In honor of Breanna Tate, please wear purple to school on Monday. We would love to have everyone meet in the gym at 8:00 to take a picture that we can share with her. There are cards for her in the lounge for staff to sign.

Spring Technology Schedule

Happy Birthday
Cherie Behar - March 6th

Go For the Gold
• Thank you Karen Petty, Karen Warner, and Kerry Dazzio for a great special's program!
• Thank you leadership team for your time and insight!

Golden Nuggets
Morning announcements: Rayens
Lounge duty: Simpson/Petty

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...