Sunday, February 26, 2017

March 2017

This Week
7:30 Leadership team meeting in the Gold Mine room

SD: 3-5th grades PARCC training

Jenny admin meeting
6:15 1st/2nd grade performances

* Staff Development is on PARCC training.  This only for grades 3-5.
* Please let Jenny or Libby know if you have conferences you want them to attend.
* Allison Hawk will be visiting classrooms with Jenny and Libby as part of her admin hours.

Happy Birthday
Stephanie Brown - February 27th
Janet Hurley - March 5th

Go For the Gold
• Welcome back Tobey!
• Thank you to the Fat Friday team for the delicious breakfast and chocolate treats!
• Thank you Cindy Bell & Christy Schwalick for being behind the scene heroes in the STEAM Lab!
• Thank you classroom teachers, Kristi Barta, and Megan Fleet for the last round of successful planning days! You have 
developed meaningful and engaging technology integrated lessons and rich math tasks! Thank you for taking risks!
• Thank you Karen Petty for always jumping in to cover crosswalk and being our dishwasher fairy!
• Thank you to Team Russell for being flexible with changes to their time in the STEAM Lab this week!

Golden Nuggets
Morning announcements: Dalcerri
Lounge duty: Dazzio/Warner

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...