Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Welcome Back!

We hope you had a wonderful fall break!

October 2015

This Week:
Welcome Back!

·      8:00-8:50 – Leadership Team Mtg. @ Gold Mine Rm
·      9:00-4:00 – 4th Grade Release Day
·      No Staff Development – Full Day Releases Scheduled in October

·      9:00-4:00 – 2nd Grade Release Day
·      8:00-4:00 – Admin Mtg. Jenny

·      9:00-4:00 – K Release Day
·      9:20 – Fire Drill

* If you haven't signed up for your evaluation cycle with Jenny or Libby please do so by the end of the day on Monday.  There is a calendar on Janis’ desk.
* If you haven't uploaded both your goal setting examples or your grade level year long plan please do so by Monday. 

Go For the Gold
* Thank you Kristi for setting up all of the subs for release days!
* Thank you teachers for uploading your year long plan and goal setting examples into InspirED! 
Your work is really impressive!
 If you have anyone you would like to recognize in the Barker, please let Libby know.

InspirED / CITE:
* Thank you for uploading your evidence for CITE Standard 1!
Click here for examples of Standard 4 that were shared at staff development.  Please plan to upload a similar example by November 6th.
* At a new teacher meeting examples of CITE Standard 2 were shared.  Click here for the presentation.

Maternity Leave Information
Here are a few updates regarding Jenny's maternity leave.
* She is due on November 18 or sometime around there based on when her baby girl decides she is ready!
* Jenny is planning to take 10-12 weeks (return date around February 10), however she plans to help facilitate January and February PLC days.
* Jenny will complete the full evaluation cycle for staff assigned to her.
* The District is in the process of hiring someone to support Libby and Kristi.  All staff development and evaluation requirements will be completed/planned for prior to Jenny's leave so this individual will serve in a support role to Libby and Kristi.

Golden Nuggets
Lounge Duty:             Rayens/Brown                      Friday Treats: SPED/SPED EAs
Morning Announcements:  Holtzer

Morning Supervision: Rossi, McMillan, Russell, Bettner, A. Lewis, Rayens

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...