September 2015
* 8:00-8:55 Leadership Team Mtg.
* Staff Development – (Job Embedded): Analyzing Istation
data and reports
* 8:00 Jenny Admin Mtg.
* 8:00-8:55 New Teacher Mtg. - Review CITE Standard 1 Evidence
• All mandatory trainings are to be completed by September
30th. Please email Jenny a screen shot of your completed courses.
• The deadline for entering DRA assessments into IC was last Friday. If you haven't done so already please enter your results.
• If you know you are going to need a sub, please enter the absence
in Aesop right away.
• If you are interested in serving on our RtI committee,
please let Libby or Stephanie Brown know. RtI meetings are held Friday mornings
at 8:15.
GVC Look Fors
Members of the District will routinely visit your classroom to see your wonderful work. One of the focuses is typically on how teachers are implementing the 4 elements of the GVC. In an effort to be more transparent, I wanted to give you some look fors in this area....
WCOs: Is there evidence of the World Class Outcome? Are students making connections to the broader WCO? Have students defined what the outcome is and what they wonder about it?
Content: Are students practicing lessons tied to our big concepts in math, Lucy's Units of Study and Stephanie Harvey's thinking strategies etc.? Is there evidence of the workshop model?
4c/21st Century Skill: Is a 4c/21st century skill identified for the unit? Have students' defined this 4c/21st century skill and are they making the connections to this as they work?
Go For the Gold
• Thank you Jamie Marchese for setting up the Harlem
Ambassadors assembly!
• Thank you Karen Warner for allowing us to use the gym!
Happy Birthday
Jamie Marchese – September 7th
Golden Nuggets
Lounge Duty: Shepperd/Kramer Friday Treats: First/Second
Morning Announcements:
Morning Supervision: Rossi, McMillan, Russell, Bettner, A.
Lewis, Rayens