Sunday, May 24, 2015

May / June 2015

Monday – No school!
Tuesday – 5th grade: Outdoor Ed 
Wednesday – Staff meeting: 8:20 @ Gold Mine room
Thursday – Field Day - Grades 1-5 (See Schedule Below)
Friday –Legend Graduation 
• If your CITE 6 data is not entered into InspirED by Wednesday, please plan on attending staff development for a work session.

• Certified Staff: Contracts will be sent out this week.  You will have 30 calendars days from the date of receipt to electronically sign your contract or the district will post your position.  If you need help determining your raise for next year based on the matrix please see Jenny or Libby.

• Good news! The reimage process was made much easier.  All you need to do is attend one session on either June 2 or June 3 @ 8:15 in the technology lab and you will have your computer ready to go for next year after 30 minutes.  Please bring your charged teacher computer to complete this process.  Megan will reimage student computers in your classroom so you no longer have to drop class computers off on the teacher work day.

• Our end of the year party will be June 4th at the Brewery Bar III by Park Meadows. We have the patio reserved starting at 4:30. You won’t want to miss it!!!

• Field Day Schedule - Rain or Shine (Hopefully Shine!)
Grades 4, 5, Cieply & Meredith @ 9:15 to 12:15.   

Grades 1, 2 Sheppard, Castro & Nolan @1:00 to 3:45 

June 2nd All Kindie @ 9:30 to 11:15  

• Click here for end of the year tips from IT.
• If you are scheduling a recess outside of your normal time, please let Jenny or Libby know.
• Please have your students wipe down their Thursday folders and return all of them to the boxes in the production room. Please leave the name tags and put them in their current grade level.
• Please remember to turn in your DRA scores to Kristi.
• The window for Progress Reports is open now through June 1st.

Go For the Gold
• Thank you Leadership team for your time and thoughtful insight! See notes below.
• Thank you Misti Wilson, Kathryn Kramer, and Abbey Lewis, Lara Castro, and Naomi Meredith for interviewing candidates!
• Welcome back Meghan Steckler!

Happy Birthday
Shelly Williams – June 1st

Golden Nuggets
Lounge Duty: Warner/Petty                        Friday Treats:  Specials
Morning Announcements: Dalcerri
Morning Supervision: Shepperd, Marchese, Meredith, Braden, Kramer, Dalcerri

 Leadership Team Notes

Staff Development Meetings - Change for 2015- 2016
* The leadership team decided we would meet as vertical learning teams the first and third Wednesday of every month.  These meetings will be held at 8:00-8:55.  Grade level teams will not meet during the day when vertical team meetings are scheduled. The second and fourth Wednesday of every month will continue to be job embedded staff development.  Grade level teams will continue to meet during the day on these days.

* The purpose of vertical teams is for teachers to connect personally and professionally with teachers across grade levels and departments.  There will be a clear purpose for each meeting (i.e. sharing ideas for performance based assessments, sharing student artifacts such as summative writing samples and electronic responses to reading, defining WCOs across grades, sharing how 21st century skills and 4c assessments are being implemented etc.).

Assessment Days
* All students K-5 will complete Istation reading and the DRA in their classroom during their one hour session with the teacher.
* Students in grades 2-5 will complete Istation math in the computer lab prior to the assessment day.
* Parents will still drop students students at the front lobby at the start of their testing hour.
* Teachers will receive initial training on how to administer Istation reading during our first week back.

Change in Leadership / L & L Teams
* In lieu of L & L teams, the District will fund teachers to serve on the school leadership team.  The role of the teacher representative is to support the implementation of school and district goals.  Teachers will be asked to meet twice a month to help plan professional development that aligns to school and district goals.  Teacher reps will also need to attend the summer leadership academy, which will be held on July 27 & 28 from 8-4 at Castle View HS.  
* Jenny is able to fund one teacher representative per grade level / department.  Please let her know if you are interested by June 1st.  If more than one teacher is interested per grade level/department, preference will be given to teachers who demonstrate enthusiasm for school and district goals and the ability to lead professional development.

First Week Back - Tentative PD Schedule

August 4
Welcome Back
All Staff
August 5
August 6
August 7
Welcome Back Activities
Theme: Connections
Connect with Vertical Learning Team

Personal Connections
Connect with Vertical Learning Team

Personal Connections &
Share your idea for Stage 1
Time in Your
Time in Classrooms
Purpose of WCO
Vertical Discussion of what
WCOs look like
What is a performance Based Assessment (different model - GRASP)?
What can we learn from others

Meet Your Teacher
Time in Classrooms



Staff Lunch @ Hacienda
Time in Classrooms
Grade Level Teams Revise Year Long Planning Document

Create a Performance Based Assessment and Complete Stage 2 for your new Unit


Time in Classrooms
Work Through A Performance Based Assessment
How does this link to WCO? What skills do students need to complete the task?  
Assessment Schedule, Istation
What’s needed for DRA
Time in Your Classroom

Time in Classrooms

Time to Plan
Complete Stage 1 for new  Trimester 1 content based unit

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...