Sunday, May 31, 2015

Last Barker of the Year!

June 2015

Monday – Progress report due by 4 PM
                  First grade field trip

Tuesday – Training in lab to reimage computers @ 8:15
                   Kindie Field Day @ 9:30-11:15

Wednesday – Training in lab to reimage computers @ 8:15
             Please hand out yearbooks today!

Thursday – Kindie graduation @ 9:15
                     5th grade picnic
                     5th grade clap out @ 3:40 (more info will be in your box this week)
         End of the year party at Brewery Bar III @ 4:30

Friday – Teacher work day
• Please see instructions for distributing yearbooks below.  They must go home on Wednesday (not before) so parents know if they still want to get one on the last day of school.

Contracts for teachers and other licensed staff will go out between 5/18/15 and 5/20/15.  Teachers, you will have 30 calendars days from the date of receipt to electronically sign your contract or the district may post your position.

• Good news! The reimage process was made much easier.  Classroom teachers - must attend one session on either June 2 or June 3 @ 8:15 in the technology lab, but you will have your computer ready for next year after 30 minutes.  Please bring your charged teacher computer to complete this process.  Megan will reimage student computers in your classroom so you no longer have to drop class computers off on the teacher work day.

• Our end of the year party will be June 4th at the Brewery Bar III by Park Meadows. We have the patio reserved starting at 4:30. You won’t want to miss it!!!

• Please have your students wipe down their Thursday folders and return all of them to the boxes in the production room. Please leave the name tags and put them in their current grade level.

• Please remember to turn in your DRA scores to Kristi.

Yearbook Distribution
* All yearbooks must be distributed on Wednesday, June 3, 2015
* There is a sticker inside of each book that was generated from the spreadsheet of yearbook purchases. It has the student’s name, teacher and grade. If there isn’t a yearbook with a sticker for a student, the student did not order one.
* If there is more than one sticker for an individual student, they ordered more than one so give the yearbooks to them. Don’t send it back to the office.
* If the sticker does not have a teacher’s name on it, they are either preschool or they no longer attend Gold Rush. You can bring those to the office.
* A limited number of extra yearbooks will be sold Thursday morning, June 4, in the office on a first come, first serve basis beginning at 8:00AM. Checks only ($20). Parents must be present to purchase.

Go For the Gold
• Thank you Karen Warner for another great field day!
• Thank you Jeannette Shepperd for the awesome garden. It looks amazing!
• Thank you all teachers for completing end of year progress reports! We know this is a lot of work!

Happy Birthday
Julie Buckley – June 7th
Megan Isberg – June 12th
Karen Warner – June 17th
Deborah Murray-Close – June 22nd
Victoria Bartony – June 24th
Kerry Dazzio – June 25th
Meghan Steckler – June 29th
Kathryn Kramer – July 1st
Elizabeth Farrar – July 8th
Abbey Lewis – July 19th
Libby Bergner – July 24th
Bev Holtzer – July 26th
Jenn Poli – July 27th
MaryBeth Wilson – July 27th
Diane Brown - July 30th
Annelise Lawrence – August 4th
Sherry Dowling – August 5th
Corissa Nelson – August 7th

Golden Nuggets
Lounge Duty: Simpson/Braden       Friday Treats:  No treats
Morning Announcements: Rayens
Morning Supervision: M. Lewis, Pearne, Castro, Evans, Gray, Lautenbach

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...