Sunday, November 30, 2014

December 2014

Tuesday @ 8 AM - Math Committee Mtg 
Wednesday Staff Development - Implications of PARCC & World Class Outcomes
Thursday @ 8 AM - 3 - Admin. Mtg 

The week of December 8 Gold Rush will have all students complete one hour of computer coding. Why? Because we want to be part part of a world wide event promoting computer sciences.  

* If you have tech the week of December 8
* Your students will complete this during their regular technology special time.
* If you do not have tech the week of December 8
* You have been assigned a time and a location to complete this activity.
* Click here for the schedule.
* Megan will lead your class in coding activities, but we will need you to assist.

 All initial certified evaluations must be completed by December 17th.  If you haven't signed up for your observation cycle please do so Monday.
 In lieu of a December leadership meeting all teachers who serve on District committees will meet with Jenny & Libby. If you didn't schedule your meeting before break please see Janis.
• Mark your calendars! Our staff holiday party will be on Thursday, December 18 at Elizabeth Meuli’s house. More information to come!
• Please remember to sign up for a day to give DRA/Running Records. If you have a prearranged sub, Kristi can enter it for you if you send her the information. If you do not have a prearranged sub, you can enter it under “planning time.”
• The Assessment & System Performance Team is working to develop a monthly CITE 6 Newsletter with relevant and updated information. The focus for the first newsletter is high-quality assessment practices (CITE 2) and entering assessments into the Assessment Library in InspirED innovation. Resources, including how to set the model and select measures in InspirED can be found on the back page in the right-hand column. Future newsletters will focus on specific information in CITE 6.
• Please remember to send Jenny and Libby your pre-observation form a day in advance.
• Janis is collecting dues for social committee. It is $25 for full time certified staff and $12.50 for half time and classified staff.

Happy Birthday
Christy Schwalick – December 5

Go For the Gold
• Thank you Tammy Simpson and Megan Isberg for all of your help with accommodations!
• Thank you Ashley Gray and all of the teachers who helped with math night. It was a huge success!
• Thank you Janet Hurley for your help writing READ plans!

Golden Nuggets
Lounge Duty:  Fleet/Dazzio   Friday Treats: Third/Fourth
Morning Announcements:  Holtzer
Morning Supervision: Rossi, McMillan, Nolan, Isberg/Nelson, A. Lewis, Rayens

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...