Sunday, November 16, 2014

November  2014

December 2014

Calendar: Week of November 17
* Monday, November 17
      5th Grade Field Trip - Hawk & Rayens
* Tuesday, November 18 
      10:45 - Sever Weather Drill Followed by a Lockdown Drill
      6:00-7:30 - K-2 Math Night
* Wednesday, November 19
      8:00AM - Staff Meeting - PARCC
      5th Grade Field Trip - Holtzer, Dalcerri & Lautenbach
* Thursday, November 30
      No Math Committee Meeting - Rescheduled to 12/2
      11:00-1:30 Turkey Feast (see revised lunch schedule below)
      6:00-7:30 - 3-5 Math Night

• Legend feeder schools are proposing a week long optional staff development training for all certified staff.  Teachers who participate would receive a stipend and time to create backward plans and assessments.  Please complete this survey by Friday.
• We will have a staff meeting on Wednesday morning regarding PARCC at 8:00 in the Gold Mine room. There will be no staff development on this day.
• In an effort to help you collect more evidence, Jenny and Libby will take pictures with their iPads over the next couple of months. The purpose of this is to capture all of the amazing work they see during walk-throughs that you will be able to upload in InspirED.
• Please see the letter below for more information on Workday.
• Please remember to send Jenny and Libby your pre-observation form a day in advance.
• Janis is collecting dues for social committee. It is $25 for full time certified staff and $12.50 for half time and classified staff.
• Teachers, please begin thinking about who will need accommodations for PARCC the new state assessment. In order to receive an accommodation, students must be on a formalized plan (IEP, 504, ELLP).
* Please remind your kids about the primary and intermediate math nights this week (see the flyer below).

Digger’s Family Feast Lunch Schedule – Thursday, November 20th

11:00-11:20   Steckler, Murray-Close, Pearne
11:10-11:30    Graham & Woolums
11:25-11:45    M. Lewis & McMillan
11:35-11:55    Martino & Rossi
11:55-12:15    Poli (in the Art room)
12:05-12:25    Kindie Enrichment (in the KE room)  
12:10-12:30    Cieply, Shepperd, & Meredith
12:20-12:40    Nolan & Castro
12:30-12:50    Gray, A. Lewis, & Wilson
12:40-1:00     VanDerVeen & Kramer
12:55-1:15     Dalcerri & Hawk
1:00-1:20      Holtzer, Lautenbach, & Rayens

** Please pick up your students from recess 40 minutes after their lunch begins.

Happy Birthday
Nicole Coppinger – November 17
Kim Layton – November 20
Kristi Barta – November 25
Anita Rudman – November 27
Leslie Hathaway – November 29

Go For the Gold
• Thank you Gail Golish for all of the hard work and long days you put in for the book fair! We also truly appreciate your poems as well!
• Thank you everyone for dealing the cold weather and a week of students being inside!
• We are so thankful for all of the hard work and dedication you all show our students every day! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Golden Nuggets
Lounge Duty:  Marchese/Cleary         Friday Treats: First and Second
Morning Announcements:  Lautenbach
Morning Supervision: Martino, Woolums, Cieply, Hurley, VanDerVeen, Holtzer

Update on Workday
Here is a link that was created to encapsulate the changes coming with Workday.  It has a table describing business processes in current state and after “go-live”.  I believe it will help clarify the “what’s changing, what isn’t” questions that some may have.

Janis will be getting hands on training in January and February so come March, staff training can begin.  All staff will need to learn how to use Workday and will be enrolling in eBenefits during open enrollment in May.  Please make sure you attend these sessions when they become available.  See Janis for additional information.

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...