Sunday, October 5, 2014

October 2014

* Wednesday, October 8: Staff Meeting - CITE 1-6
* Friday, October 10: Teacher Work Day - Lucy Training @ Denver
* October 13-19: Fall Break!!!

• Since we have a staff meeting on Wednesday, we will not have staff development. If you would like to stop by to complete the required moodle courses, Libby and Kristi will be in the conference room. If you prefer to complete these on the teacher work- day on Friday feel free to do so. Please have the three trainings completed by 10/31.  

Below are the links to your new mandatory training sessions housed in the NEW PD System: 

When you click the link it will ask you to enroll in the session. Once enrolled, you can scroll down past the description box to begin the training.

• If you have an iPhone 4 charger you are willing to donate, we will give you candy! We can use them for our older ipads. Please give them to Megan Fleet.

• Please remember to leave the Gold Mine room in the proper order.

Go For the Gold
Thank you staff for running your hearts out at Digger Dash!
• Thank you Janis Panico for all of your help with organizing field trips!
• Have an amazing Fall Break. You deserve it!

Happy Birthday
Jen Dale – October 6
Chelsey Hanna – October 12

Golden Nuggets
Lounge Duty: A. Lewis/M. Wilson                            Friday Treats: No Treats!
Morning Announcements:  Lautenbach
Morning Supervision: Martino, Woolums, Cieply, Hurley, VanderVeen, Holtzer

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...