Friday, May 1, 2020


Week of May 4
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!

9:00-12:00 Team Planning
12:30-1:30 4th Grade Connections Via Zoom
1:30-2:30 5th Grade Connections Via Zoom

8:30-9:30 Kindie Connections Via Zoom
9:30-10:30 1st Grade Connections Via Zoom
10:30-11:30 2nd Grade Connections Via Zoom
11:30-12:30 3rd Grade Connections Via Zoom

9:00 Office Mtg

1:00-2:00 Leadership Team Mtg

Friday:  * READ Plans Due
8:30 Staff Meeting Regarding End of Year Plans - All Are Welcome to Attend
10:30-11:30 Sped Team Mtg

* The I Ready Benchmark for reading and math will be May 1-May 15.  As a building we will assess all students in both content areas.  Grade level teams will identify a date for each assessment on Monday and draft parent communication.

* Based on your survey data we have decided to postpone Lucy's virtual training in July.  We will definitely bring this opportunity back to GRE.  We know that when the time is right we will all enjoy this incredible opportunity!

* The specials teachers would love to join some of your Zoom meetings. Please invite them along with Jenny, Libby & Kristi.

* We would love more team pictures like the ones shown above. You can compile individual photos (like the one shown above) or take one while on Zoom. Please send them to Jenny and Christi Dismang. We would love pictures from classified staff too!

* Please continue to update your grade level plans
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade

Click here to share teacher created videos across grades K-5.

* Please share your department/grade level student sign (see above) to Jenny, Libby and Christi Dismang.

I READY & READ Plans - Please have READ plans updated by Friday, May 8th. 
* All progress monitoring data from iReady must be current through spring break. These progress checks are entered under Goal 2 in the READ Plan Goals section:
You should have about three progress checks for Jan. - March.

Please also cut and paste the blurb below in the comments section under Additional Reading Services in the 'Other' box.

Due to the unprecedented situation created by COVID-19 reading support for students on READ plans will be done remotely through virtual reading groups. Our reading intervention team is providing support for readers three days weekly for 30 minutes each day. This is in addition to the one-one-one or small group instruction with the classroom teacher. 

If you have any questions, please ask Stephanie or Libby.

* Ongoing District PD

* Additional Education Technology Classes

Ashley Peterson - May 8th
Alex Van Drew - May 10th

* All teachers and staff for their incredible work! We appreciate you all!
* Megan for her incredible training videos and live trainings!
* Kristi and Jamie for facilitating our ESL class!
* Anita for our 5th grade signs!

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...