Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Week of April 20

* 9:00-9:15 Staff Meeting - Please bring a picture/drawing of a heart

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 931 0774 7208
Password: 4sCupu

* PLC Day: Planning & Class Placement

8:30-9:30 Kindie Connections Via Zoom
9:30-10:30 1st Grade Connections Via Zoom
10:30-11:30 2nd Grade Connections Via Zoom
11:30-12:30 3rd Grade Connections Via Zoom
12:30-1:30 4th Grade Connections Via Zoom
1:30-2:30 5th Grade Connections Via Zoom

2:30-3:00 Leadership Team Mtg

9:00 Office Mtg

1:00-2:00 Leadership Team Mtg

9:00  EA 1 Training with Megan Fleet

* We are looking forward to our staff meeting on Monday at 9:00-9:15.  Please bring a drawing/picture of a heart that you can show on the screen.  Great as creative as you would like!

* During our PLC day we will start the class placement process.  Jessalyn made a digital copy of the pink and blue forms.  THANK YOU Jessalyn!  Please fill out a pink and blue form for each student.  Don't forget to make a copy of the power point!  We will ask you to print them and place them in your blue folders when we are back in school.  If you are not returning to Gold Rush next year, please share your pink and blue forms with Jenny and Libby.   

* Please continue to informally track students' participation in class meetings and reading groups. 

* If you have ALP students, please think about a goal for them. Stephanie will be reaching out to you next week to write these together. 

Here are a few additional reminders:
* On Monday you will have time to color code your students on your class list at the bottom of your page (below the class grid).  Please double check that all of your students are on your class list.  If you notice someone missing, just add him/her.

* Please also write what you think the student's most current INDEPENDENT DRA level is at this point in the year next to his/her name.  You should be able to cut and paste each students' color coded name into the different classes on Monday.

* On Monday please cluster ALP/ high students and ESL students across the grade level.

* Please email Christi Dismang if you know of any students that will not be returning to GRE next year.

* Please do not post pictures of your students on digital tools (Zoom, Flip Grid, Hangout etc) on social media.

* Please invite Jenny and Libby to your classroom ZOOM meetings each week. We love seeing the students!

* Please consider developing class norms for zoom meetings.  You might include sitting up, not hiding under the covers or hoodies, not distracting others with backgrounds and stuffed animals etc.

* Please continue to update and refer to grade level planning documents on Mondays.  

Grade Level Plans for Remote Learning
5th Grade    

Grade Level Remote Learning Parent Sites


Maren Bell - April 19th
Shawna Redler - April 20th
Kyla Jung - April 27th

* Thank you teachers and Instructional Assistants for taking a risk and reading live with students this week!

* Thank you Kristi and Jamie for leading the ESL book study!

* Jenn, Kyla, Mandy and Stacie shared videos across their grade levels!  Click here to share teacher created videos across grades K-5.

Here is a way that you or parents can scan a document (student writing or a math page) and email it.  Open the notes section of your I Phone and start a new note.  The camera option pops up. Press it the option to scan and it comes up.  Follow the prompts from there.  If you don't have an iPhone try the Genius Scan App.


Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...