Friday, April 3, 2020

Sending love from Ketchum, Idaho

Week of April 6, 2020

Due to the extended closure, Monday April 6th will be a teacher planning day with no student assignments or classes. 
Tuesday: Touch base with Teams
* By 9:00 AM Send New Learning Opportunities
* 9:00-10:30 1st grade live class connection time
* 10:30-12:00 2nd grade live class connection time
* 1:00 Leadership team meeting

Wednesday: Check in with Staff
* By 9:00 AM Send New Learning Opportunities
* 9:00-10:30 3rd grade live class connection time
* 10:30-12:00 4th grade live class connection time

* By 9:00 AM Send New Learning Opportunities
* 9:00-10:30 Kindergarten live class connection time
* 10:30-12:00 5th grade live class connection time

* By 9:00 AM Send New Learning Opportunities
* Sped Mtg @ 10:30
* 1:00 Leadership team meeting

Leadership brainstormed several ideas for creating new opportunities for engagement . Here are a few of the highlights and resources:

* We created times for live classroom connections for students (Zoom, Google Hangout).  You will see these times above.  This schedule prevents families with kids from overlapping times.  This also gives sped times to connect with kids.  This schedule is for this week only.  

* On Monday grade levels will plan for the following week.  This will give us time to brainstorm and play with different delivery tools and models for the following week.  

* Teachers will send out their learning opportunities on Monday before 9 and teams will meet shortly after.  This keeps a consistent routine for parents.  The opportunities sent on Monday will be low tech and familiar so teachers do not have to respond to several student/parent questions after team planning.

* Reading Ideas:

For kids are at level or above
We were thinking of doing a video around a comprehension strategy for all students and providing feedback via small groups once a week.   Click here for grade level key content ideas

For students reading below grade level
We thought about connecting with below level readers individually via zoom.  Stephanie Brown tried this today.  Check out her video below!  We were hoping to try this strategy with 1-2 students next week to test out the technology in a safe way.  

Stephanie Brown - Individual Reading Conference

An idea for journaling - grade 1

* Math Ideas:

Utilize Pearson videos for students. Students can watch these videos and work through problems. If students have questions, they can connect with the teacher the next day. 

We will create a bank of videos for reading and math that teachers can access and share with students. 

* Please follow our school Communication Norms (certified staff)
  • Meet 2+ times / week with your grade level team
  • Please be available to colleagues, admin and parents via email, phone or text throughout the workday
  • Complete grade level plans for the following week by the end of the day Monday
  • Please do not give out your personal cell phone number (except ESL).
  • Continue to email parents by 9:00 AM each day with learning opportunities. 
  • Please do not email additional opportunities throughout the day.
  • Please communicate across your grade level regarding communication and how you are using digital tools to connect virtually.

* Please do not post pictures of your students on digital tools (Zoom, Flip Grid, Hangout etc) on social media.

* Please include specials' class pages at the bottom of your daily push outs.  

* Please continue to update and refer to grade level planning documents.  I encourage you to look at others' ideas and resources! There are incredible materials and information in the links below.

Grade Level Plans for Remote Learning
5th Grade    

Grade Level Remote Learning Parent Sites


* Click here for highlights from the District's Remote Learning Plan

* April 17th remains a comp day
* April 20th is our PLC day. If you have specific ideas for this day please share with your team leader. More info to come. 

* I'm still standing: Parenting in the age of Covid - 19.  The Director of Stress and Anxiety from the Helen and Arthur E. Johnson Department, Dr. Scott Cypers, did a presentation for Douglas County families last Thursday on parenting during this different time. His presentation provides parents with strategies for supporting their children during Covid-19. It is a great presentation to help you take care of yourselves as well! I highly recommend it!

* Link to GRE's ELS class (class number is 1943-5)

Link to GRE staff development - digital tools videos & resources

* Click here for a list of District pd for certified staff. 

* Click here for a list of District pd for classified staff. 

Happy Birthday
Lauren Rayens - April 6th
Mandy Miller - April 8th
Pam Ditus - April 9th

* Megan Wallace! She will be teaching third grade at GRE next year!
* Betsy Zankey! Laine Marie is adorable!  We are so happy for your family!
* All staff for an amazing second week of remote learning!
* Congratulate Kerry Dazzio! Her son is having a baby boy!
* Celebrate Catherine's mom who is home and doing well!
* Congratulate Jan Francis on her health and her 7th grade health position!
* Celebrate GRE families' health!
* Hear teacher celebrations and positive feedback from staff who are parents!


Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...