We LOVE our KIND staff!!
This Week
* No School
* Crazy Sock Day
* 10:00-11:00 2nd grade Cogat testing
* SD - Restorative Practices - Circles
* 10:00-11:00 2nd grade Cogat testing
* Hat Day
* Skittles Day
Kindie wear red
1st wear orange
2nd wear yellow
3rd wear green
4th wear blue
5th wear purple
* Jenny admin meeting
1st wear orange
2nd wear yellow
3rd wear green
4th wear blue
5th wear purple
* Jenny admin meeting
* 10:00-11:00 2nd grade Cogat testing
* 1st & 2nd grade performances
* Wish Week t-shirts
* 2nd grade plan day
* First & second grade performances:
Ms. Wilson's 1st Grade, and Mrs. Schultz & Mrs. Steinher's 2nd Grades
Ms. Wilson's 1st Grade, and Mrs. Schultz & Mrs. Steinher's 2nd Grades
Mrs. Kaufman's 1st Grade and Mrs. Roon's 2nd Grade
* There will be some Science and Social Studies books in the lounge if anyone is looking to add to their non-fiction collection. We will donate them after a week.
* We will have our spring lockdown drill on February 26th at 10:45.
* The Teacher's College Reading Project will be July 7, 8, 9 & 10th.
* If you have not done the Student Safety Module, please complete this ASAP!
* See below for sections and class sizes for next year.
Casey Anderson - February 18th
Go For the Gold
* Thank you teachers for an amazing PLC day. We appreciate your willingness to take risks and learn together!
* Thank you Stacie Martino, Bree Roon & Lauren Rayens for allowing us to video tape and learn from you!
Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: BroeckerLounge Duty: Miller/Wilson