Early birds get the worm!
This Week
* PLC Day
* 7:30 - 8:15 Book Study
* 8:00-10:00 Libby Meeting
* 4th Grade Plan Day
* SD: Team Agendas
* 3:45-4:30 Book Study
* 3rd Grade Plan Day
* Jenny Admin Meeting
* Crazy Hair Day
* Fat Friday - Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice
* We will have crazy hair day on Friday to raise money for Kits For Kids. If you did not receive your three bags, you can get them in the office conference room.
* Click here to sign up to preview the Book Fair with your class.
* Below is the agenda for the November 11 PLC. Here are the things you need to bring to the meeting:
* Printed pictures of classroom celebrations and your photo album.
* The Lucy book that contains the upcoming lesson chosen by your grade level.
* Identify your grade level's December DRA/F & P benchmark.
* Grades 3 - 5, bring your Lucy's Reading Pathways book.
* Grade level planning document.
* Computer at the closing
Happy Birthday
Michelle Sweet - November 11th
Go For the Gold
* A HUGE thank you to Kristi Barta for teaching 3rd grade!
* Thank you Karen Petty and Jenny Brown for a fabulous Veteran's Day assembly!
* Thank you Megan Fleet, Stephanie Brown and Justin Brakefield for helping with the assembly!
* Thank you Gail Golish for supporting Literacy Week and helping GRE win $1,000 towards books!
Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Rayens
Lounge Duty: Hagerty/Rayens