Friday, November 22, 2019

December 2019

This Week
* 7:45 Leadership Team Meeting
* iReady Reading Diagnostic Opens

* Libby Admin Meeting
* 7:30 Book Study

* SD: Order Books
* 3:45-4:30 Book Study

* Jenny Admin Meeting
* Kindie Round-Up


* Please know, if we have unfilled sub jobs in December and it is your DRA/F & P day, we might need to pull your sub. Thank you for being flexible!

* Don't forget to send Kristi your 'family' photo by December 16th at noon!

* The iReady winter diagnostic window is December 2 - 18. All students will take the Reading diagnostic within this window. Please remember to enter progress monitoring data in Alpine for those on READ plans.

* Students in 4th & 5th grades who are interested in participating in the Spelling Bee should go to the Gold Mine room on Friday, December 6th at 8:00 am for the pretest. 

Happy Birthday
Kristi Barta - November 25th
Anita Rudman - November 27th
Christy Schwalick - December 5th

Go For the Gold
* Thank you for an amazing Celebration of Learning! Parents truly appreciate all of your hard work!
* Thank you office staff for all of the work you put into making our feast run smoothly!
* Thank you Josh for setting up for the feast and keeping the cafeteria clean!
* A huge thank you to everyone who listened to students who did not have a parent at Celebration of Learning!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Broecker
Lounge Duty: Braden/Villani

Sunday, November 17, 2019


This Week
* 7:30-4:30 Book Fair
* 7:30-6:30 Book Fair
* Celebration of Learning
* Digger's Family Feast
* 7:30-4:30 Book Fair

* 2nd Grade Plan Day
* 7:30-6:30 Book Fair
* SAC Meeting

* 7:30-2:00

* Please remember that DRA / F & P data needs to be entered into IC. 

* Please check the expiration date on your teaching license. It is important to maintain a valid teaching license, and apply for renewal prior to the expiration of your current license. Each teacher is responsible for monitoring the status of his/her own license.According to CDE, teachers may apply to renew Professional, Interim, or Initial licenses any time within 6 months of expiration, but no sooner.

* Teachers grades 3-5, please fill out the form for students who need accommodations.  Click here for the form.

* We will have our November fire drill either Monday or Tuesday.

* The iReady winter diagnostic window is December 2 - 18. All students will take the Reading diagnostic within this window. Please remember to enter progress monitoring data in Alpine for those on READ plans. 

Here is the schedule for our Thanksgiving Feast & Celebrations of Learning on Wednesday, November 20. Please see Jenny's push out and team leaders for additional information.

Happy Birthday
Kim Layton - November 20th
Kristi Barta - November 25th
Anita Rudman - November 27

Go For the Gold
* Welcome back Krista Hardin!
* Thank you Fat Friday team for the delicious spread!
* Thank you for an amazing PLC day!
* Thank you Ann & Bree for presenting on Monday!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Burggraff
Lounge Duty: Simpson/Brakefield

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Early birds get the worm!


This Week
* PLC Day 

* 7:30 - 8:15 Book Study

* 8:00-10:00 Libby Meeting
* 4th Grade Plan Day
* SD: Team Agendas
* 3:45-4:30 Book Study

* 3rd Grade Plan Day
* Jenny Admin Meeting

* Crazy Hair Day
* Fat Friday - Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice

* We will have crazy hair day on Friday to raise money for Kits For Kids. If you did not receive your three bags, you can get them in the office conference room.

Student Council is also organizing a pj day for students on Friday, November 22. Students can bring in any amount of change and wear their pjs. All proceeds will go to Denver Rescue Mission's Turkey Drive.

* Click here to sign up to preview the Book Fair with your class.

* Below is the agenda for the November 11 PLC. Here are the things you need to bring to the meeting:
     * Printed pictures of classroom celebrations and your photo album.
     * The Lucy book that contains the upcoming lesson chosen by your grade level.
     * Identify your grade level's December DRA/F & P benchmark.
     * Grades 3 - 5, bring your Lucy's Reading Pathways book.
     * Grade level planning document.
     * Computer at the closing

Here is the schedule for our Thanksgiving Feast & Celebrations of Learning on Wednesday, November 20. Please see Jenny's push out and team leaders for additional information.

Happy Birthday
Michelle Sweet - November 11th

Go For the Gold
* A HUGE thank you to Kristi Barta for teaching 3rd grade!
* Thank you Karen Petty and Jenny Brown for a fabulous Veteran's Day assembly!
* Thank you Megan Fleet, Stephanie Brown and Justin Brakefield for helping with the assembly!
* Thank you Gail Golish for supporting Literacy Week and helping GRE win $1,000 towards books!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Rayens
Lounge Duty: Hagerty/Rayens

Saturday, November 2, 2019


November 2019

This Week
* 9:30-12:30 3rd Grade To Legend

* 7:30 - 8:15 Book Study

* Staff Development: Finish CITE 6, EPR & Team Agendas
* Libby Admin Meeting
* 3:45-4:30 Book Study

* Jenny Admin Meeting

* 9:00-9:20 Veteran's Day Assembly

* By Friday, November 8, all CITE 6 formative and goals must be set in InpsirED.

* Please remember that students can take their devices to specials if the teachers need them for a project/activity.

* Our Veteran's Day assembly on Friday, November 8th will be from 9:00-9:20. Teachers, please practice these songs with your class so they are prepared. Click here for the lyrics.

* Click here for information to support the Turkey Drive for the Denver Rescue mission. We would love to see a great turnout from our GRE community!

* Below is the agenda for the November 11 PLC.  Please see the right hand side for things you need to bring to the meeting.

Here is the schedule for our Thanksgiving Feast & Celebrations of Learning on Wednesday, November 20.  Please see Jenny's push out and team leaders for additional information.

Social Committee
Looking for ways to connect and get to know your colleagues? Here are some opportunities:
1) Join the staff for Happy Hour this Friday at Hilltop Tap House (19878 Hilltop Rd). Visit and enjoy a beverage after a long week!!
2) This Monday, our 2nd annual Rock, Paper, Scissors tournament will begin! This is a fun and low-stress way of getting to know people. The tournament bracket will be in the lounge. Find the person you will compete with on your first round and do a "best of 3" round of Rock, Paper, Scissors. Be sure to write the winner on the bracket. Have fun!
3) Put the evening of December 19 on your calendar for our GRE Holiday Party. This is the perfect night to celebrate together since it is our last day of school prior to holiday break. The finals of our Rock, Paper, Scissors tournament will be held that night as well. Get excited!! You won't want to miss it!

Happy BirthdayKelly Broecker - November 3
Leslie Stoops - November 3
Cindy Bell - November 7
Linda Dziura - November 7

Go For the Gold
* A huge thank you to everyone who helped with the 'Slow Release' on Tuesday!
* Thank you everyone for a successful Halloween!
* Thank you Josh for removing snow all week!
* Thank you social committee for the Friday afternoon drink cart!

* Thank you to our car loop friends for braving the cold!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Hagerty
Lounge Duty: Broecker/Burggraff

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...