Saturday, October 26, 2019

I Spy...Exceptional EAs!
More to come.




This Week

* 7:30-8:15 Book Study

* Admin Meeting Libby
* 3:45-4:30 Book Study
* 4th Grade Plan Day
* 5:00-7:00 Legend Spooktacular

* 8:40-9:30 Halloween Parties
* 9:30-9:45 Halloween Parade


* Please Take the Library Survey for the library collection alignment data. The purpose of this survey is to gather information on what you need as a classroom teacher to support your curriculum. Gail must turn in this data by November 5th and she only has had two responses so far!

* Open library is Tuesday-Friday at 1:45.

* On October 22 the DCSD Board of Education approved changes on our 2019-2020 school calendars to accommodate the state’s three-day testing window for PSAT and SAT. Please see the date changed below:

No School April 20, 2019
(Was April 16, 2019)

* Please have all CITE 6 data entered by Friday, November 1st.

* We are going to have a Veteran's Day assembly on Friday, November 8th. Karen Petty sent out the songs and lyrics that will be sung during this assembly. Teachers, please practice these songs with your class so they are prepared. Click here for the lyrics. Please refer to her email for the songs that was sent on October 24th. More info to come.

* Click here for information to support the Turkey Drive for the Denver Rescue mission. We would love to see a great turnout from our GRE community!

* If your recycling is not being picked up by student council, please email Josh and let him know.

* Please remind students that re-entering the building is part of our fire drill. Students must enter the building quietly and in a straight line.

Fall Book Study - Next Steps in Guided Reading
The class will meet four times between October 29 and December 4. Two sessions will be offered each week, one before school and one after school. You can attend either session or alternate mornings with afternoons based on your schedule. Please see the exact dates and times below:

Week 1: October 29 @ 7:30-8:15 OR October 30 @ 3:45-4:30
Week 2: November 5 @ 7:30-8:15 OR November 6 @ 3:45-4:30
Week 3: November 12 @ 7:30-8:15 OR November 13 @ 3:45-4:30
Week 4: December 3 @ 7:30-8:15 OR December 4 @ 3:45-4:30

Participants will earn 8 hours of relicensure credit. The bulk of the time will be spent planning for a small group of struggling readers and applying resources in your classroom. Please indicate your interest in participating using this survey by Tuesday, October 22.

Halloween breakfast parties will be held on Thursday, October 31st from 8:40-9:30 am. It is recommended that party treats by balanced with both nutritious options and sweets.

Our school parade will follow from 9:30-9:45 am. The parade route was put in your box last week.  Students who do not wish to participate in Halloween activities can rejoin the class at 9:45. We will resume with a normal school day schedule at that time. If you have any questions about the route, please see Libby.

We encourage students to be creative with their costumes, but safety remains our number one priority. We ask students to adhere to the following guidelines when selecting a costume:

* Students should come dressed in their costume and bring a change of clothes.
* Costumes cannot be demeaning, offensive or promiscuous.
* Face paint, face masks and weapons are not permitted.

Go For the Gold
* Thank you Carrie Corley for teaching 1st grade!
* Thank you Megan Wallace for stepping up and teaching 3rd grade!
* Thank you Maren Bell for helping in 3rd grade!
* Thank you Fat Friday team for the awesome chili!
* Thank you Mel Berry for covering classes!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Broecker
Lounge Duty: Poli/Westra

Friday, October 11, 2019

I Spy...
Our fabulous first grade team!

 .     .    


This Week
Welcome Back!

* 7:30 Leadership team meeting

SD: CITE 6, EPRs, Book Club
* Please come with your CITE 6 data to input.  Please see your team leader for details regarding your formative data.

* New READ Plans due

* Fat Friday - Spooky Chili Cook off

* Libby and Jenny are excited to support certified staff's learning through the formal evaluation process. THANK YOU for signing up for your evaluation cycle with Anita prior to break!  Click here for the pre-observation document.  Please make a copy of the document, fill it out and send it to your evaluator prior to your pre-observation meeting.

* Use this link to register for our Guided Reading book club.

* All phones should now have a red label with the extension for District Security (x79999). The numbers to page the inside of the building are on the label as well.

* To call on the intercom, press *#1, then wait for the timer to start on your phone display, then press 701.

HR Invites Licensed Staff to Feedback Sessions on Compensation
DCSD’s licensed employees are strongly encouraged to attend an upcoming feedback session. These facilitated sessions will give licensed staff the opportunity to provide input regarding the potential components of a new compensation structure in DCSD.

* Monday, October 21 at 4:30 p.m. | Chaparral High School
* Wednesday, October 23 at 4:30 p.m. | Cimarron Middle School
* Thursday, October 24 at 4:30 p.m. | Sierra Middle School

We are facilitating a book study using Jan Richardson's text, The Next Steps in Guided Reading.  We believe that these resources will allow you to meet the needs of all readers, especially those who struggle. It will also allow you to earn relicensure credit right here at GRE.  

Fall Book Study - Next Steps in Guided Reading
The class will meet four times between October 29 and December 4.  Two sessions will be offered each week, one before school and one after school.  You can attend either session or alternate mornings with afternoons based on your schedule. Please see the exact dates and times below:

Week 1: October 29 @ 7:30-8:15 OR  October 30 @ 3:45-4:30
Week 2: November 5 @ 7:30-8:15 OR  November 6 @ 3:45-4:30
Week 3: November 12 @ 7:30-8:15 OR  November 13 @ 3:45-4:30
Week 4: December 3 @ 7:30-8:15 OR  December 4 @ 3:45-4:30

Participants will earn 8 hours of relicensure credit.  The bulk of the time will be spent planning for a small group of struggling readers and applying resources in your classroom.  Please indicate your interest in participating using this survey by Tuesday, October 22.

Halloween breakfast parties will be held on Thursday, October 31st from 8:40-9:30 am. It is recommended that party treats by balanced with both nutritious options and sweets.

Our school parade will follow from 9:30-9:45 am. The parade route will be in your box the week of Halloween. Students who do not wish to participate in Halloween activities can rejoin the class at 9:45. We will resume with a normal school day schedule at that time.

We encourage students to be creative with their costumes, but safety remains our number one priority. We ask students to adhere to the following guidelines when selecting a costume:

* Students should come dressed in their costume and bring a change of clothes.
* Costumes cannot be demeaning, offensive or promiscuous.
* Face paint, face masks and weapons are not permitted.

Happy Birthday
Mackenzie Villani - October 21st
Heather Terry - October 25th

Go For the Gold
* Thank you Cindy Bell for stamping books!
* Thank you Gail for your enthusiasm for Literacy Week!
* Thank you teachers for all of your preparation for conferences!
* Thank you all staff for all of your dedication and hard work! Have a wonderful fall deserve it!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Burggraff
Lounge Duty: Bethea/Kramer

Sunday, October 6, 2019

I Spy...
Our stupendous SSN Team!


This Week

* K plan day

* No staff development
* Parent/teacher conferences

* Jenny admin meeting

* 9:30-2:30 4th grade to Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
* Happy Fall Break!
* Happy Hour at the Celtic

* Please sign up for your observation cycle by Fall break. The cycle consists of a 30 min. pre-observation, a 60 min. observation and a 30 min. reflection.

* Please do not allow students to bring any toys/balls/Pokemon cards out to recess.

* Please help us celebrate a well-deserved break! Join us at the Celtic on Friday at 4:00!

Happy Birthday
Amanda Widdeson - October 11th
Alice Boutilier - October 19th

Go For the Gold
* Thank you teachers for a great first night of conferences!
* Thank you Maren for stepping up and teaching Kindergarten! We appreciate it!
* Thank you Kim Cohn for being flexible and helping out on Friday!
* Thank you Justin Brakefield & Rochelle Evan for emceeing our assembly!
* Thank you Shay Holms for helping with car loop!
* Thank you to our wonderful kitchen staff for preparing A LOT of spaghetti!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Rayens
Lounge Duty: Wright/Baird

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...