I Spy...
Our stupendous SSN Team!
This Week
* K plan day
* No staff development
* Parent/teacher conferences
* Jenny admin meeting
* 9:30-2:30 4th grade to Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
* Happy Fall Break!
* Happy Hour at the Celtic
* Please sign up for your observation cycle by Fall break. The cycle consists of a 30 min. pre-observation, a 60 min. observation and a 30 min. reflection.
* Please do not allow students to bring any toys/balls/Pokemon cards out to recess.
* Please help us celebrate a well-deserved break! Join us at the Celtic on Friday at 4:00!
Happy Birthday
Amanda Widdeson - October 11th
Alice Boutilier - October 19th
Go For the Gold
* Thank you teachers for a great first night of conferences!
* Thank you Maren for stepping up and teaching Kindergarten! We appreciate it!
* Thank you Kim Cohn for being flexible and helping out on Friday!
* Thank you Justin Brakefield & Rochelle Evan for emceeing our assembly!
* Thank you Shay Holms for helping with car loop!
* Thank you to our wonderful kitchen staff for preparing A LOT of spaghetti!
Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Rayens
Lounge Duty: Wright/Baird