This Week
* 9:30 Kindie Egg Drop
* 12:30 Kindie Egg Drop
* 2:00 FireDrill
* SD: Class Placement - One Last Look
* Certified Staff - Acknowledge Your CITE Eval in InspirED
* Golden Ticket Theater - Mary Poppins (see below)
* Turn in Student Devices by 8:10 AM (see locations below)
* Libby out
* If you have not completed your READ plans, please do so by Monday.
* Student & Teacher Devices
Please turn in all student devices by 8:10 AM on Friday. IPad carts should be taken to the RtI room. Laptop and chrome book carts will go to the library.
Old Teacher laptops, SMART Board lap tops and Promethean laptops will be turned in to Megan by 9:00 AM the teacher workday.
* To date, about 65% of teachers have completed their Workday task to upload transcripts. This task is critical to the fidelity of our work on the development of a new compensation structure for Licensed staff. If you have not done so already please upload your transcripts.
End of Year Materials
Golden Ticket will be performing 2 shows on Friday, May 17th. Karen Petty will hold her morning classes in the music room and her afternoon classes in the Gold Mine room after the show ends. Karen Warner will be outside (in the cafeteria if the weather is bad). P.E. classes will meet in the cafeteria. Kindergarten specials will remain the same.
1:00 Grades K, 1, 2 - Specials teachers will supervise the students that would have been in their classes during that time (1st grade until 1:50). Teachers will return to supervise when their specials would have ended and the specials teachers will supervise the next group (2nd grade) until the show ends, then take them to specials.
2:00 Grades - 3, 4, 5
New Adventures
Mari Pooley will be staying home with her new baby.
Katie Timm is moving back home.
We welcome our new SSN teacher, Casey Anderson. Casey's contact information is listed below. I know she would appreciate being welcomed by our staff! Please feel free to reach out to her.
Happy Birthday
Fernando Arguello - May 18th
Go For the Gold
* Thank you Jenny Brown, Karen Warner and Kerry Dazzio for attending the Strategic Plan meeting!
* Thank you Jamie Marchese, Hays Padrnos, Jillianne Mancini, and Betsy Zankey for a great Kindergarten Round-Up!
* Thank you Jenny Brown and Karen Warner for setting up chairs! Thank you Karen Petty for the sound!
* Thank you Karen Warner for the awesome basketball shootout! Thank you to our amazing staff who can shoot!
Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Lautenbach
Lounge Duty: Brakefield/Braden