Sunday, February 24, 2019

Rock, Paper, Scissors champion and runner-up! Can you guess who's who?


This Week

* 1:00 Jenny admin meeting
* 2:00 Fire Drill

* SD: Data

* Libby admin meeting
* K plan day


* Please complete your TLCC Survey by March 16.

* Unfortunately, our copier in the production room still is not working. Christy and Kym's time is limited with the bookroom copier. Please submit copies with the date needed and they will be happy to complete it. Please feel free to use the copier in the bookroom when they are not using it.

* Conferences are March 7th & March 14th. Please don't forget to block out your conference schedule. It will close tonight, 2/24, at midnight.

* DCSD is ready to start creating its road map for the next four years. If you would like to provide insight and input about the strategic planning process, you are invited to join the following conversations:

Wednesday, February 27
4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Douglas County High School

Thursday, March 7
4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Cimarron Middle School

Thursday, March 14
4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Mountain Vista High School

Happy Birthday
Tammy Simpson - February 25th
Stephanie Brown - February 27th
Mary Beth Steinher - February 27th

Go For the Gold
* Thank you Karen Petty, Karen Warner, and Kerry Dazzio for another great performance!
* Thank you Fat Friday team for all of the delicious treats!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Hagerty
Lounge Duty: Roon/Wilson

Friday, February 15, 2019

Matches made in heaven!💗💗


This Week
No school!

* Jenny admin meeting
* Kristi GT meeting - pm

* SD: Team Time

* 1st Grade plan day
* 4:30 SAC meeting
* 6:00 - 8:00 Primary performances

* Fat Friday - Chocolate Fever
* I Ready progress monitor


* The TLCC is an opportunity for you to give feedback on our school and district. Please click the following link to take the spring 2019 TLCC: Click here to take the TLCC Survey 

* Teachers grades 3-5, if you have students who you would like tested in a small group outside of extended time kids, please send their names to Libby.

* The primary performance this Thursday is as follows:  
6:15 - 6:45 Martino, Miller, & Graham
7:15-7:45 Roon & Anderson

* Our Math RtI/GT/READ .5 position will post internally on Thursday. Please let Jenny know by Friday if you are interested. We will be holding interviews the week of February 25th. You will need to apply online. 

Please welcome Matt Weidner, our new OT. He will be at GRE on Wednesdays & Fridays.

Go For the Gold
* Thank you Mary Beth Steinher and Stephanie Brown for allowing us to video tape you!
* Thank you Elizabeth Meuli, Christy Schwalick, Christi Dismang, and Anita Rudman for counting all of our change!
* Thank you Stephanie Brown, Kylee Lautenbach, and Ashley Hagerty for all of your work with Wish Week!
* Thank you for an amazing PLC day! 

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements:  Broecker
Lounge Duty:  Miller/Reeves

Sunday, February 10, 2019


This Week
* Team kindness (sports day)

* Kindness comes in all colors (rainbow day)
* Lab visits

* Kindness is our superpower (superhero day)
* Staff Development: Day of Love

* Kindness is the Gold Rush way (Gold Rush/Legend spirit wear)
* Jenny admin meeting
* 7:30 Write new READ plans

* PLC Day - Click here for the agenda

* Please complete this survey to communicate your plans and interests for next year.

* Spring conferences will be March 7th & March 14th.

* Click here for the CMAS schedule.

* Libby will be in the library at 7:30 on Thursday to help write new READ plans.

Library Norm Reminders
* If your library day/time falls when we do not have school for any reason, we do not make up this time.
* On your library day, please send students' books in the bin first thing in the morning.
* If you need specific books pulled from the library, please send Gail a list of the books you would like. Please give her at least three days to pull the books.
* Please adhere to the open library times. Do not send students to the library outside of these times:

Monday  1:00 -1:20
Friday  12:00 - 12:20

Welcome Leslie Stoops, our new EA!

Go For the Gold
* Thank you Karen Petty, Karen Warner, and Kerry Dazzio for all of your efforts preparing for the 1st & 2nd grade program! It was amazing!
* Thank you Megan Fleet, Lauren Rayens, and Kristi Barta for covering for an unfilled sub!
* Thank you Cindy Bell for covering morning supervision!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Lautenbach
Lounge Duty: Zankey/Martino

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Congratulations to our Apple Award winners!

Happy 100th day of school!


This Week
* 2:00-3:30 Walk-throughs with Parker Director Carrie Stephenson

* 6:30 pm Honor choir concert at Legend High School

* SD: Continuing reading data discussions

* 7:30 - Write new READ plans in the library
* Jenny admin meeting
* Plan day 2nd grade
* 6:00-8:00 Primary performance

* FAC! Join your colleagues at Hilltop Tavern after school for some fun!

* If you have students who need to have a READ plan written, we will do this on Thursday morning at 7:30 in the library. Click here for those who fell below the MoY diagnostic. You will add 13 points to their growth monitoring score to determine if they qualify. Libby will send out the names next week for those who need a plan written.

* The primary performance this Thursday is as follows:
6:15 - 6:45 Reeves & Hoff
7:15 - 7:45 Wilson & Steinher

* Click here for a draft of our 2019 CMAS schedule.

* Please update your blog for February.

* Spring conferences will be Thursday, March 7th and Thursday, March 14th.

Wish Week - February 9 - February 15th
We have agreed to partner with Legend for this years Wish Week. Wish Week kick off is February 8th and goes until February 16th. Legend's goal is to spread the love of Wish Week to the feeder schools and show everyone what it is all about. In order to get the students excited about the week and all of the events they are selling T-shirts to the staff and students. Staff shirts are only $5 and they are encouraging you to buy one to get everyone excited and encourage the students to buy one as well. With the shirt, teachers will get a free Wish Week button. See the links below for more events occurring this week!

* Click here for the t-shirt order form.


  • When: February 11th -  February 14th
  • Purpose: Spread the culture of kindness at GRE
  • This year we will be participating in three activities:
    • Legend Wish Week Change Challenge
      • Change brought in will support Legend’s Wish Week recipient
      • Change will be collected by classroom teachers Monday, February 11th-Thursday, February 14th using baggies provided by Student Council
      • Student Council will collect change each afternoon and total each classroom’s donations
      • The class who donates the most change throughout the week will earn a Pizza Party
    • GRE Spirit Days
      • Monday: Team Kindness (Sports Day)
      • Tuesday: Kindness Comes in all Colors (Rainbow Day)
      • Wednesday: Kindness is Our Superpower (Superhero Day)
      • Thursday: Kindness is the Gold Rush Way! (GRE and Legend Day)
    • Cram the Cruiser (click here for the flyer)
      • Food donations will be collected in the atrium
      • All donations will be used to fill backpacks for kids in Parker
      • The backpacks are filled with enough food to get kids through the weekends when they do not have access to nutritious meals from school

2019-2020 Student & Staffing Information
It is hard to believe that we are already planning for next year!  Knowing your plans and interest for next year will help us prepare.  Please see the sections of each grade level below.  Please complete this survey by this Wednesday at noon.  

Kindergarten = 5 Classes - 2 Full Day, 3 Half Day
First Grade =  5 Classes
Second Grade = 5 Classes
Third Grade = 4 Classes
Fourth Grade = 5 Classes
Fifth Grade = 4 Classes
.5 Math MTSS (GT, READ Act coordinator & Math RtI/Enrichment teacher)

2019-2020 Enrollment, Sections & Class Size Per Grade Level

Class Size
105 (108)
1 X 19, 2X20, 2X23 (1X20, 2X21, 2X23)
122 (123)
2X24, 3X25
2X24, 2X25
109 (111)
2X21,3X22  (3X22, 2X23)
2X23, 2X24

Total: 648/654

2019-2020 Additional Positions

PLS - Staff Development / Induction
MTSS Math Support + GT & READ coordinator
ESL (Additional .5)
4th Grade Teacher

Go For the Gold
* Thank you to everyone who attended the Sock Hop!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Leuschner
Lounge Duty: Padrnos/Mancini

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...