This Week
* Team kindness (sports day)
* Kindness comes in all colors (rainbow day)
* Lab visits
* Kindness is our superpower (superhero day)
* Staff Development: Day of Love
* Kindness is the Gold Rush way (Gold Rush/Legend spirit wear)
* Jenny admin meeting
* 7:30 Write new READ plans
* PLC Day - Click here for the agenda
* Please complete this survey to communicate your plans and interests for next year.
* Spring conferences will be March 7th & March 14th.
* Click here for the CMAS schedule.
* Libby will be in the library at 7:30 on Thursday to help write new READ plans.
Library Norm Reminders
* If your library day/time falls when we do not have school for any reason, we do not make up this time.
* On your library day, please send students' books in the bin first thing in the morning.
* If you need specific books pulled from the library, please send Gail a list of the books you would like. Please give her at least three days to pull the books.
* Please adhere to the open library times. Do not send students to the library outside of these times:
Monday 1:00 -1:20
Friday 12:00 - 12:20
Go For the Gold
* Thank you Karen Petty, Karen Warner, and Kerry Dazzio for all of your efforts preparing for the 1st & 2nd grade program! It was amazing!
* Thank you Megan Fleet, Lauren Rayens, and Kristi Barta for covering for an unfilled sub!
* Thank you Cindy Bell for covering morning supervision!
Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Lautenbach
Lounge Duty: Zankey/Martino