
This Week
* Jenny - mid year reflections
* 7:30 Leadership team meeting
* Libby - mid year reflections
* Jenny admin meeting 1:00-3:30
* Jenny - mid year reflections
* SD: K & 5th grade - Data
1st - 4th - Team time
* 2:00 Fire Drill - see below for more info
* 3rd grade plan day
* MoY self-eval due
* iReady progress monitor
* Sock Hop
* If you have students who qualify for a READ plan, we will write them on January 7th at 7:30. We will add 13 points to their growth monitor score and if they are still below, we will put them on a plan.
* Mid year reflections will be on Monday and Wednesday for Jenny and Tuesday for Libby. Please take a peek at your MoY Summative Eval prior to your meeting.
* For our fire drill on Wednesday, please bring your students to the back playground where we used to evacuate if the field is still covered in snow or is wet. We will let you know during morning announcements Wednesday morning.
- When: February 11th - February 14th
- Purpose: Spread the culture of kindness at GRE
- This year we will be participating in three activities:
- Legend Wish Week Change Challenge
- Change brought in will support Legend’s Wish Week recipient
- Change will be collected by classroom teachers Monday, February 11th-Thursday, February 14th using baggies provided by Student Council
- Student Council will collect change each afternoon and total each classroom’s donations
- The class who donates the most change throughout the week will earn a Pizza Party
- GRE Spirit Days
- Monday: Team Kindness (Sports Day)
- Tuesday: Kindness Comes in all Colors (Rainbow Day)
- Wednesday: Kindness is Our Superpower (Superhero Day)
- Thursday: Kindness is the Gold Rush Way! (GRE and Legend Day)
- Cram the Cruiser (click here for the flyer)
- Food donations will be collected in the atrium
- All donations will be used to fill backpacks for kids in Parker
- The backpacks are filled with enough food to get kids through the weekends when they do not have access to nutritious meals from school.
Go For the Gold
* Thank you Fat Friday team for the amazing Super Bowl spread!
* Thank you Megan Wallace, Kristi Barta and Mackenzie Villani for covering classrooms!
* Thank you Megan Wallace, Kristi Barta and Mackenzie Villani for covering classrooms!
Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Hagerty
Lounge Duty: Brown/Marchese
Morning Announcements: Hagerty
Lounge Duty: Brown/Marchese