This Week
* Spelling Bee practice in the Gold Mine room
* SD: EPRs
* 5:00-7:00 Kindergarten Round Up
* Jenny admin meeting
* Staff lunch provided by the Berge family!
* 6:00-7:30 Orchestra concert
* The iReady window closes on Friday. Please make sure all students have completed these assessments.
* In order to keep our classrooms and shared spaces mice free, please be aware of where you are storing food. Teacher snacks as well as student snacks need to be completely enclosed or it will act as a magnet for mice.
*Please be sure that we are staying diligent to keep food and water away from our technology devices and carts at all times.
* On January 9th, we will be updating READ Plans during staff development. Please make sure your yellow data sheets are updated with their MOY iReady data by this date.
* Click here for Wednesday's collaboration schedule. If you collaborated with SPED last week, this week is on your own.
* Click here for expectations for comments and basic navigation strategies. All students should receive a personal comment and comments when they are not meeting standards. Please remember that report cards should not be a surprise.
Evacuation & Reunification Procedures
Prairie Crossing Elementary School
11605 S Bradbury Ranch Dr, Parker, CO 80134 * (303) 387-8200
- Teachers leave the building with their entire class and their complete emergency folder (class list, green/red cards, walking map) and walk to Prairie Crossing.
- All staff (both certified and classified) and all students must report to Prairie Crossing. Do not dismiss students to parents while walking to Prairie Crossing.
- Teachers will have class line up behind a grade level cone in the gym.
- Teachers check off all students on their class list. Teachers hold up a red/green sign to show all are or are not accounted for.
- All students and staff will be transported to Legend High School or Chaparral High School. Teachers and their class will report to a designated area in the building and take attendance.
- A parent and guardian check in location will be set up out of the line of students.
- Parents will check in at a table with office and classified staff.
- Runners (specialist and special educators) will get kids from the designated location and bring them to their parents.
- Attendance will be taken and monitored on ongoing basis by the teacher.
Happy Birthday
Lindsay Reeves - December 12th
Krista Hardin - December 16th
Go For the Gold
* Thank you teachers for a great collaboration day on Wednesday!
Please let Libby know if you have anyone you would like to recognize.
Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Broecker
Lounge Duty: Petty/Simpson3rd Grade Technology CoTeaching
Third Grade Geologists have communicated their thinking using Google Slides and Screencastify. Geoloists learned how to connect their reading skill of notetaking with boxes and bullets to organize their thinking on a Google Slide. Third graders then learned how to take a screenshot and import the screenshots within their slides. To teach others, students recorded their voice using Screencastify as they shared their learning about rocks.