Thursday, December 20, 2018


This Week
Welcome Back!

7:30 Leadership Team meeting

* SD: Data Dive (See below for more info)

* Libby admin meeting
* 5th grade plan day

* iReady Progress Monitor

* Please come to staff development with your updated Reading sheet with current DRA and iReady data by January 9th. Please note that Jenny and Libby have added additional data and questions to the bottom of your reading sheet. These will guide our data dive conversations during staff development on January 9th. You do not need to fill out the questions prior to staff development.

* We will update READ plans during staff development on January 16th. (This is a change from the previous Barker). Please make sure your yellow data sheets (Click here for the document) are updated with their MOY iReady data by this date. If students fell below the cut score for the first time, they will need to be given a growth monitor to verify the need for a READ plan by January 11th. If they fell below the cut score on BoY and MoY, they automatically qualify. New READ plans are due by February 15th.

* MoY self-evaluation is due in InspirED by January 31st.

* Teachers grades 3-5, please continue to document extra time accommodation. Click here for January's calendar. 5th grade teachers do not need to document extra time for Science as it is already included.

Happy Birthday
Leah Clements - January 10th
Linda Pettinger - January 10th

Go For the Gold
* Thank you for being the BEST staff ever!
* Welcome back Lauren Rayens! Lauren will be our RtI math specialist.

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Leuschner
Lounge Duty: Evans/Timm

Sunday, December 16, 2018



This Week
* Wear Plaid
* High School Lab Visits
* Tokyo Joe's lunch provided by the office

* Ugly Sweater Day
* 1st Grade Plan Day

* Wear Red & Green
* Kindie Plan Day
* SD: Winter Cheer

* Sparkle, Shimmer & Shine
* Release EPRs by 3:00
* 4:00 Staff Holiday Party

No School!

* On January 9th we will be updating READ Plans during staff development. Please make sure your yellow data sheets are updated with their MOY iReady data by this date. If students fell below the cut score for the first time, they will need to be given a growth monitor to verify the need for a READ plan. If they fell below the cut score on BoY and MoY, they automatically qualify. New READ plans are due by February 15th.
* Our Holiday Party is right around the corner at Gail Golish's house - 8235 N. Sunburst Trail. There will be good food (Chicken Shack is catering) and great company!  Don't miss it.  And most importantly - the Rock, Paper, Scissors tournament finale will be at the party.  If you have not been working on your bracket, get going!!  We must be to the final round by next Thursday!  That super cool shirt is waiting for you!

* Since December is such a busy month, your Social Committee decided to add some fun to boring old January.  Instead of "Secret Santa", this year we decided to have the "January Fairy" visit Gold Rush.  Watch for more information right after the winter break.

Revised Lunch Choices This Week
Monday - Chicken Nuggets
Tuesday - Pancake Bites
Wednesday - Pizza, Cheese & Pepperoni
Thursday - Bosco Sticks

Happy Birthday
Amy Fugier - December 17th
Hays Padrnos - December 25th
Kym Koford - January 1st
Shari Hokanson - January 2nd
Melissa Robart - January 7th

Go For the Gold
* Thank you Karen Petty for all of the outstanding Rock Concerts!
* Thank you Christi Dismang and Anita Rudman for all of the work put into Kindie Round-up!
* Thank you Anita Rudman for setting up for the Principal's meeting and our staff lunch!
* Thank you Jenny Brown for providing lunch on Monday!
* Thank you Gail Golish for hosting our holiday party!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Hagerty
Lounge Duty: Brakefield/Braden

2nd Grade Technology CoTeaching
Second Grade Scientists applied their understanding of Force and Motion to build and analyze Lego Simple Machines. Students used Seesaw to videotape each Simple Machine “working” and described the forces applied and the motion that the force elicited. After completing the build scientists then analyzed each build using the following questions:
How will the amount of force change an object’s motion?
How does applying a force affect the way an object moves?
How does an object’s properties (shape, size, build, or texture) affect how it will move when a force is applied?

Student Samples:

Car Example:

Catapult Example:

Gear Example:

Sunday, December 9, 2018


This Week
* Spelling Bee practice in the Gold Mine room


* SD: EPRs
* 5:00-7:00 Kindergarten Round Up

* Jenny admin meeting

* Staff lunch provided by the Berge family!
* 6:00-7:30 Orchestra concert

* The iReady window closes on Friday. Please make sure all students have completed these assessments.

* In order to keep our classrooms and shared spaces mice free, please be aware of where you are storing food. Teacher snacks as well as student snacks need to be completely enclosed or it will act as a magnet for mice.

*Please be sure that we are staying diligent to keep food and water away from our technology devices and carts at all times.

* On January 9th, we will be updating READ Plans during staff development. Please make sure your yellow data sheets are updated with their MOY iReady data by this date.

* Click here for Wednesday's collaboration schedule. If you collaborated with SPED last week, this week is on your own.

Click here for expectations for comments and basic navigation strategies. All students should receive a personal comment and comments when they are not meeting standards. Please remember that report cards should not be a surprise.

Evacuation & Reunification Procedures
Prairie Crossing Elementary School
11605 S Bradbury Ranch Dr, Parker, CO 80134 * (303) 387-8200

  • Teachers leave the building with their entire class and their complete emergency folder (class list, green/red cards, walking map) and walk to Prairie Crossing.

  • All staff (both certified and classified) and all students must report to Prairie Crossing.  Do not dismiss students to parents while walking to Prairie Crossing.

  • Teachers will have class line up behind a grade level cone in the gym.

  • Teachers check off all students on their class list.  Teachers hold up a red/green sign to show all are or are not accounted for.

  • All students and staff will be transported to Legend High School or Chaparral High School.  Teachers and their class will report to a designated area in the building and take attendance.

  • A parent and guardian check in location will be set up out of the line of students.

  • Parents will check in at a table with office and classified staff.

  • Runners (specialist and special educators) will get kids from the designated location and bring them to their parents.

  • Attendance will be taken and monitored on ongoing basis by the teacher.
Happy Birthday
Lindsay Reeves - December 12th
Krista Hardin - December 16th

Go For the Gold
* Thank you teachers for a great collaboration day on Wednesday!

Please let Libby know if you have anyone you would like to recognize.

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Broecker
Lounge Duty: Petty/Simpson

3rd Grade Technology CoTeaching

Third Grade Geologists have communicated their thinking using Google Slides and Screencastify. Geoloists learned how to connect their reading skill of notetaking with boxes and bullets to organize their thinking on a Google Slide. Third graders then learned how to take a screenshot and import the screenshots within their slides. To teach others, students recorded their voice using Screencastify as they shared their learning about rocks. 

Sunday, December 2, 2018


This Week
* 8:00 Spelling Bee pre-test
* iReady window opens

* 7:30 GT Identification team meeting

* 8:30 - 10:30 - Libby meeting
* SD: Collaborate with SPED around EPRs. See below for more info.

* Jenny admin meeting

* 8:00 - 10:00 Libby meeting

* The Spelling Bee pre-test will be on Monday, December 3rd at 8:00 in the Gold Mine room. This is for 4th & 5th graders only.

* As you administer DRA/F & P, please update your Reading data sheets.

* Mark your calendar for our holiday party on Thursday, December 20 at 4:00 hosted by our own Gail Golish. Be there! More info to follow.

* The iReady Winter diagnostic window is December 3rd - 14th. Please assess all students in Reading and Math. If you have students you want to test in a small group in Reading, please let Libby know.

* If you have students who have instructional seats and you would like them to complete the lessons in RtI on Fridays, please email Jamie Marchese or Stephanie Brown by the Thursday before.

* If you have students who receive RtI support, please include a comment in their EPR for parents.

* The next two Wednesdays will be devoted to EPRs during staff development. One Wednesday, we want to give you time to collaborate with SPED and the other Wednesday will be yours to work on EPRs. Click here for the schedule.

Click here for expectations for comments and basic navigation strategies. All students should receive a personal comment and comments when they are not meeting standards. Please remember that report cards should not be a surprise.

Happy Birthday
Christy Schwalick - December 5th

Go For the Gold
* Thank you social committee for bringing some fun into our lives!
* Thank you Jessalyn Russell and Jamie Marchese for joining the GT Identification team!

If you have someone you would like to recognize, please let Libby know.

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Lautenbach
Lounge Duty: Dazzio/Warner

5th Grade Technology CoTeaching
Fifth grade students researched renewable energy sources, created google slides presentations and recorded their learning using Screencastify. After learning about each of the renewable energy resources, students completed a performance task and determined where we could relocate our company Fleet Conserves Energy. When picking our new location, students had to analyze maps of the United States where their chosen renewable energy source is readily available. They then created an animation that demonstrates how the structure of the renewable energy harnesses energy. In addition, they created a written argument defending their renewable energy source and addressing the benefits and limitations.

Please see student samples below:

Renewable Energy Sources Slides & Screencastify

4th Grade Technology CoTeaching
Fourth grade readers completed a performance task that required them to analyze and evaluate evidence in order to make a decision and solve a mystery. These detectives dove right in and analyzed six different digital resources and synthesized the clues from each resource to solve the great mystery: Where on Earth was the fossil discovered? After stating their claim of the fossil’s original habitat and continent, each student created an infographic in Piktochart to outline how each resource provided them a clue that they had to synthesize together to make a decision and solve a mystery.  

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...