This Week
* 2:30 Fire Drill
* 7:30 Leadership team meeting in the Gold Mine room
* 8:45 Halloween Breakfast parties
* 9:30 Parade
* Jenny admin meeting
* Libby out
* Click here for how to edit READ plans, including where to enter progress monitoring data, parent communication and how to print the report. See Libby if you need help.
* Teachers grades 3-5, please think about the students who will need accommodations for CMAS. Any student can have text-to-speech in Math and Science, but they to be receiving this from you consistently. They must be on a formal plan to receive extra time. You will need to document students who need extra time beginning December 1st. Libby needs to enter all of this data in Alpine by Nov. 30, so she will be asking for names by November 9th.
* Please turn in your EPR sheets to Libby by Friday.
Computer Carts
Please review the list below and let Megan know if any of these apply to your cart:
- If the electrical equipment/wiring is exposed or looks like it is frayed, IMMEDIATELY disconnect from the power source. If you can’t safely disconnect from the power source, please call the office.
- Please do NOT move a cart while it is still plugged into the electrical outlet. The act of moving the cart or any piece of electrical equipment while plugged can damage the power cord and expose anyone handling the cart to further risk. ALWAYS DISCONNECT POWER CORD PRIOR TO MOVING ANY ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT.
- Please do not have the cart connected to the electrical outlet while removing or returning the computers to the charging cart.
- Please do not allow students to move a computer cart, particularly when it is plugged into an electrical outlet. Only adults should handle plugging in or unplugging any electrical equipment.
With any electrical equipment, if you sense (smell, see or hear) anything concerning, disconnect the piece of equipment. Again, please let us know if your cart or cord looks damaged.
Box Tops
Please help kids remember to bring in their Box Tops next week. The first collection will be Wednesday, Oct 24th.
Click here for pre-written text you can post on your blog too!
Also remember there is a GREAT gift basket for the teacher of the winning class with the most box tops as of Feb 21, 2019.
Parker Task Force
Student Council and PTO have teamed up to collect food for the Parker Task Force starting October 29th through November 16th. That gives you and your students three weeks to bring in the most food for a little friendly competition. The winning class will win a pizza party donated by the PTO. Angel will be dropping off a box for each class this week to start your collection next week. Please keep all food in your classroom and PTO will come and count and pick up what you have collected daily.
Extra food from your Halloween parties can also be donated if they are prepackaged. Angel will collect items after your parties on Wednesday. Please leave them where they can be seen.
Halloween breakfast parties will be held on Wednesday, October 31, from 8:40-9:30 AM. It is recommended that party treats be balanced with both nutritious options and sweets. We know that many parent attend our parties. We are encouraging all families to bring an item for the Parker Task Force when they are in. All donations can be placed in collection bins in the main vestibule.
Our school parade will follow at 9:30-9:45 AM. The parade route, along with directions will be in your box this week. Students who do not wish to participate in Halloween activities can rejoin the class at 9:45 AM. We will resume with a normal school day schedule at that time.
We encourage students to be creative with their costumes, but safety remains our number one priority. We ask students to adhere to the following guidelines when selecting a costume:
* Students should come dressed in their costume and bring a change of clothing.
* Costumes can not be demeaning, offensive or promiscuous.
* Face paint, face masks and weapons are not permitted.
1st Grade Technology Co-Teaching
First grade readers left tracks of their thinking in non-fiction books. To share their new learning and wonderings, students created SonicPics presentations and shared them on Seesaw. Seesaw allowed them to access audiences of both parents and other first grade readers. Partners then left digital comments for each other on their presentations. First graders loved learning from their friends and giving digital feedback. As you can picture, there was lots of excitement and wonder about being able to work with a partner without sitting next to them!
See a few samples below!
1st Grade Technology Co-Teaching
First grade readers left tracks of their thinking in non-fiction books. To share their new learning and wonderings, students created SonicPics presentations and shared them on Seesaw. Seesaw allowed them to access audiences of both parents and other first grade readers. Partners then left digital comments for each other on their presentations. First graders loved learning from their friends and giving digital feedback. As you can picture, there was lots of excitement and wonder about being able to work with a partner without sitting next to them!
See a few samples below!
Jenny Huntsinger - October 31st
Kelly Broecker - November 3rd
Go For the Gold
* Thank you Fat Friday team for the amazing chili!
* Thank you Anita Rudman, Jenny Brown, Gail Golish, Jamie Marchese, Ashley Hagerty, and Kylee Lautenbach for participating in Trunk-or-Treat!
Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Lautenbach
Lounge Duty: Russell/Shepperd
Lounge Duty: Russell/Shepperd