May 2018
* READ Act Meetings
* Lunch provide by PTO
* 7:30-8:15 Drop In EPR Refresher in the Gold Mine room
* READ Act Meetings
* Staff Development - Class Placement @ Sped Conference Room - Placement
* 11:40-11:55 - Orchestra concert for 3rd and 4th grades
* Jenny - Admin Meeting
* 6:00 pm - K Round Up
* Megan will be meeting with all teachers to overview end of year technology guidelines. See schedule HERE.
* Teacher Appreciation Lunch
* During your lunch, stop by the Gold Mine room for some pampering!
* Please approve your summative evaluation in InspirED between May 4 - May 10
READ Plans
* We will have a roving sub to cover your class to update READ plans on Monday & Tuesday. Click here for the schedule.
* Share EPRs with sped, specials, RtI/ESL by the end of the day on Tuesday, May 8th.
* EPRs are due on Tuesday, May 29th at noon.
* Please include the following documents in the blue folder for the end of the year: ALP, 504, Last DRA, RtI Paperwork, Letter to the New Teacher, Blue Artic Sheets, Read Plans and Placement Cards.
* We will continue the placement process this week in the sped conference room.
* All 4th & 5th graders who are in orchestra will be performing in the concert on Wednesday. Please have them go to the gym at 11:30. This concert is for all 3rd and 4th graders.
Tech Extra Plan Schedule
* Student behavior always increases at the end of the year. Please keep classroom practices and procedures as consistent as possible to support this!
* All computers will need to be reimaged at the end of the year. Help sessions will be offered on May 15th and May 22nd at 7:30 in the tech lab if you need support backing up your files. A reimagining schedule will be shared with you next week.
* Please make sure all DRA/F&P data is entered into IC.
* The Benefits Open Enrollment window opened on Friday, May 4th, and will be open through Thursday, May 31st. This is your opportunity to designate your health insurance options. Your benefit choices will be available in your Workday Inbox on May 4, 2018.
* This will be the last week for Library. Please do not send students down the last two weeks of school.
Ashley Peterson - May 8th
Beth Marafiote - May 10th
Lisa Nejedlo - May 11th
Go For the Gold
* Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! Thank you for the amazing work you do with children every day! Your time and dedication are noticed and greatly appreciated!
* Thank you car loop and crosswalk peeps for weathering the storm last Thursday!
* Thank you to all of our wonderful nutrition services staff!
* Thank you teachers for a great beginning to creating class lists!
Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Broecker
Lounge Duty: Petty/Simpson