Friday, March 30, 2018


This Week
* CMAS testing

*CMAS testing

* SD: Team time
* CMAS testing

* Jenny admin meeting
* 2nd Grade plan day


  * 9:00-10:30 3rd Grade
  * 10:45-12:15 5th Grade

* Please remember to charge your devices for CMAS each day. 

* Please ensure all students who receive text-to-speech have headphones and provide all students with scratch paper. 

* Please cover all math related items on your walls.

Summative Eval
A substitute will be provided for Summative Evaluations the week of April 23-26.  Please schedule a 40 minute time with Anita by the end of the week. Jenny's days are the 23rd & 25th, Libby's are the 24th & 26th. 

Norms Reminders
* Please do not send student to the printer.
* Email Megan if you have repairs or have students send down the device with a sticky note.

Class Placement
* Please let the office know if you hear of any students who may not be returning next year as soon as possible. We will reach out to families to confirm this to solidify our enrollment. 

* Jenny shared the following information with parents regarding the class placement process.  Please remind parents to email me directly.  Please do not agree to specific teacher requests.  While we would love to honor this, we have too many students to be able to do so.

Creating balanced class lists that meet the needs of all students is a difficult endeavor.  This process involves hours of thoughtful dialogue between classroom teachers, administrators and other staff members.  We know that creating a strong learning environment is essential to students’ success and we therefore take this responsibility seriously.  Please be assured that we take each child into consideration.  Please see our process below.

·     Teachers identify the social and academic needs of each student.  They refer to existing data and record pertinent information to assist them in their decision-making.

·     Teachers meet as grade level teams to form class lists that are balanced.  Balanced classrooms meet each student’s academic, social and emotional needs.  Teachers consider each child’s personality, academic strengths, needs and friendships. Learning specialists, the specials team and administration also collaborate with classroom teachers to provide feedback.

·     Each grade level team types several drafts of class lists.  I review final lists to ensure all parent input has been considered.  Classroom teachers approve any changes I suggest given parent feedback to ensure classes remain balanced. 

·     Class lists are finalized in mid July to reflect the addition of students joining Gold Rush in the summer.

This process is consistent across grades K-4.  Our 5th grade team collaborates with the teachers at Cimarron Middle School to ensure students’ success in 6th grade.

We strongly believe that this detailed and collaborative process creates learning environments that benefit all students.  Please remember that our ultimate goal is to create classes that promote the success of each child.  Please also know that your child is placed in a classroom for specific reasons and that our process benefits all students.  Because of the input and thought given by teachers, parents and administrators, we are reluctant to make changes once this process is complete.  It may be hard to believe, but moving one child can disrupt the balance of an entire classroom. 

We do value parent input and welcome any insight you wish to share about your child’s strengths, needs and learning style.  We will take into consideration all pertinent information that you share with me on or before Friday, April 25th.  While we welcome your input, we cannot honor specific teacher requests.  Please put your thoughts in writing and address them to me (Jenny Brown).  I will accept either a letter or email (

I cannot express enough how important it is that your thoughts are in writing.  As you can imagine, I receive a great deal of parent input and verbal information is difficult to track.  I also prefer that you direct this communication to me, as I am ultimately responsible for reviewing final class lists in July when teachers may be available.

Happy Birthday
Lauren Rayens - April 6th

Go For the Gold
* Karen Warner for helping with dismissal!
* Thank you teachers for a great, first week of testing!
* Thank you Kerry Dazzio and Michelle Anderson for being flexible with your schedules!
* Thank you Stacie Martino and Stephanie Braden for helping with interviews!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Broecker
Lounge Duty: Meier/Woolums

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Welcome Lou Zankey! Lou was born March 10th at 2:43 am. He was 5 lbs 11 oz and 19 inches long. Mom and baby are doing well!

This Week
* Libby READ meeting


* 7:30 Staff meeting in the Gold Mine room
* CMAS testing

* Jenny feeder meeting
* CMAS testing

* CMAS testing

* We will have a staff meeting on Wednesday morning at 7:30 in the Gold Mine room. 

* Please run the garbage disposal before starting the dishwasher. This will prevent overflow. 

* Please remind your students to walk quietly in the hallways during testing. 

* Primary Teachers: Please check the Technology Extra Plan Time Schedule for your time this week! Intermediate Teachers: As a reminder, your times will be after the CMAS window.

Please make sure all devices are charged each day.

After students log out of the test they MUST shut down their computer or chrome book. 

Please share the following information in classroom blogs: 

Students in grades 3-5 will begin their state testing when we return from spring break.  Students in the intermediate grade will be assessed in literacy and math using the state CMAS assessments, or the Colorado Measures of Academic Success.  Fifth graders will take an additional science assessment. The testing schedule is shown below.  Please refrain from scheduling outside appointments during all testing times.  We also recommend that students get plenty of rest and eat a healthy breakfast during the testing window.

March 28, 29 & 30 CMAS English Language Arts Assessment 
9:00-10:30 3rd Grade
10:15-12:00 5th Grade
1:30-3:00 4th Grade 

April 2, 3 & 4 CMAS Math
9:00-10:30 3rd Grade
10:45-12:15 5th Grade

April 9, 10 & 11 CMAS Math & Science
10:00-11:45 5th Grade - Science
1:30-3:00 4th Grade - Math 

Happy Birthday
Jeannette Shepherd - March 27th
Molly Trent - March 27th
Gail Golish - March 29th
Karen Petty - March 31st
Shelbi Westra - March 31st

Go For the Gold
• Thank you Gail Golish for a great book fair!
• Thank you for all of the time and preparation that went into conferences!
• Thank you Stacie Martino, Catherine Graham, and Jenn Poli for helping with interviews!

Golden Nuggets:
Morning announcements: Lautenbach
Lounge duty: Anderson/Graham

Sunday, March 11, 2018


This Week



* 3rd grade plan day
* Parent/teacher conferences
* 4:30 SAC meeting

Happy Spring Break!

* All staff, please do not enter the parking lot through the exit lane. We have numerous parents complaining about this.

* Please take down your door decorations from Kindness week. They are a fire hazard. 

* Due to the Book Fair, we will not have Library classes this week.

* All testing must be done and entered into CITE 6 by May 1 at the latest. We will have a CITE 6 data entry help session on April 25 before school – only take the days after this if you feel comfortable entering data on your own.

* Two 5th grade students want to do something nice for our police officers. They came up with the idea of thanking them with 'Cards for Cops.' If you would like your students to participate, please have them make cards this week during Book Buddies or rolling start. The students will collect them on Friday.

Book Fair
Monday       3/12  7:30 am – 4:30pm
Tuesday      3/13  7:30am  – 6:30 pm
Wednesday  3/14  7:30 am – 4:30pm
Thursday     3/15  7:30am  – 6:30 pm
Friday         3/16 7:30 am – 2:00 pm
Online fair March 7-20 - link:

Happy Birthday
Jessalyn Russell - March 14th
Robin Carmack - March 16th
Amy Jay - March 25th

Kindie Technology CoTeaching
Kindergartners researched African Animals using the app, Epic Books this week. They were so excited to independently access just right books and video clips to build schema about different African Animals. As students analyzed the digital resources they determined importance and recorded their new learning through pictures and words on chart paper and individual think sheets.

Go For the Gold
* CONGRATULATIONS Betsy Zankey on the birth of your beautiful baby boy! Pictures and more details to follow.
* Thank you teachers for a great, first night of conferences!
* Thank you Stephanie Braden, Stacie Martino, Stephanie Brown, and Jamie Marchese for helping with interviews!
* Thank you Cindy Bell for covering crosswalk and a class last week!

Golden Nuggets
Morning announcements: Rayens
Lounge duty: Roon/Wilson

Sunday, March 4, 2018


This Week


* No staff development

* Parent/teacher conferences
* 4th grade plan day

* 4th grade Young Ameritowne

* Please let us know if you would like Jenny or Libby to attend any of your upcoming parent/teacher conferences.

* Please make sure all READ plans have been shared with parents. 

* Sign up for DRA/F and P testing in the lounge.

1)  Because of CMAS testing, some of the dates need to be reserved for intermediate only or primary only.  Please pay attention to this as you sign up!!

2)  All testing must be done and entered into CITE 6 by May 1 at the latest.  We will have a CITE 6 data entry help session on April 25 before school - only take the days after this if you feel comfortable entering data on your own.

3)  As we usually do - if you prearrange a sub, send the info to Kristi so she can enter it.  If you choose to take any sub available, enter it yourself and use the code "Planning time".

4)  Subs are SO tight at this time of year.  Please know that if a sub doesn't fill for the day, you will have to be in your classroom as we have no other option!  Thanks for understanding. 

Book Fair
The book fair will be March 12th - 16th. Please sign up for a time for your class to preview the book fair. The sign up will be in the lounge on March 5th and the preview will be March 12th. Remember to send pictures of your pets to Linda at by Monday!

1st Grade Technology CoTeaching
First graders demonstrated their skills as mathematicians and coders this week. Using Dash, students were asked to demonstrate their understanding of measurement, skip counting by tens, and programming Dash. Students started by using Dash to discover how many tens are in a meter stick. From there we had two different tasks where students designed playgrounds for Dash and then programmed him to travel along a specific path.

Go For the Gold
* Thank you Karen Petty, Karen Warner, and Kerry Dazzio for the last night of performances!
* Thank you Megan Fleet for organizing and bringing in our Google Expedition. Students LOVED it!
* Thank you Kristi Barta for facilitating Google Expedition in the library!
* Thank you teachers for attending your students' performance!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Dalcerri
Lounge Duty: Martino/Robart

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...