Sunday, March 25, 2018

Welcome Lou Zankey! Lou was born March 10th at 2:43 am. He was 5 lbs 11 oz and 19 inches long. Mom and baby are doing well!

This Week
* Libby READ meeting


* 7:30 Staff meeting in the Gold Mine room
* CMAS testing

* Jenny feeder meeting
* CMAS testing

* CMAS testing

* We will have a staff meeting on Wednesday morning at 7:30 in the Gold Mine room. 

* Please run the garbage disposal before starting the dishwasher. This will prevent overflow. 

* Please remind your students to walk quietly in the hallways during testing. 

* Primary Teachers: Please check the Technology Extra Plan Time Schedule for your time this week! Intermediate Teachers: As a reminder, your times will be after the CMAS window.

Please make sure all devices are charged each day.

After students log out of the test they MUST shut down their computer or chrome book. 

Please share the following information in classroom blogs: 

Students in grades 3-5 will begin their state testing when we return from spring break.  Students in the intermediate grade will be assessed in literacy and math using the state CMAS assessments, or the Colorado Measures of Academic Success.  Fifth graders will take an additional science assessment. The testing schedule is shown below.  Please refrain from scheduling outside appointments during all testing times.  We also recommend that students get plenty of rest and eat a healthy breakfast during the testing window.

March 28, 29 & 30 CMAS English Language Arts Assessment 
9:00-10:30 3rd Grade
10:15-12:00 5th Grade
1:30-3:00 4th Grade 

April 2, 3 & 4 CMAS Math
9:00-10:30 3rd Grade
10:45-12:15 5th Grade

April 9, 10 & 11 CMAS Math & Science
10:00-11:45 5th Grade - Science
1:30-3:00 4th Grade - Math 

Happy Birthday
Jeannette Shepherd - March 27th
Molly Trent - March 27th
Gail Golish - March 29th
Karen Petty - March 31st
Shelbi Westra - March 31st

Go For the Gold
• Thank you Gail Golish for a great book fair!
• Thank you for all of the time and preparation that went into conferences!
• Thank you Stacie Martino, Catherine Graham, and Jenn Poli for helping with interviews!

Golden Nuggets:
Morning announcements: Lautenbach
Lounge duty: Anderson/Graham

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...