Sunday, September 10, 2017

This Week

READ Plan meetings

7:30 Staff Meeting in the Gold Mine room
READ Plan meetings

1st Grade Planning Day
Jenny admin meeting

7:30 New teacher meeting
Western Night

* We will have a rotating sub to cover your class to write READ plans on Tuesday. Click here for the revised schedule. Please bring the hard copy that was given to you at the beginning of the year and current reading data. 

* Conferences are September 27th and October 5th. Please block out your conference times by Sunday, September 17th. Parents will be able to schedule their conferences on September 18th. 

* We will review the new CITE rubric at our staff Meeting on Wednesday. 

Our Cherry Creek Valley Rotary Club of Parker has an opportunity forteachers to apply for micro grants, and for non-profits to also apply for grants.  Here is the website.  Look at the menu on the left side and you will see both opportunities.  The first round of teacher grants will be read/awarded at the end of Sept.  If teachers aren't awarded the $50 grants for their classroom supplies in their first application, they can apply again and again.  We're hoping to have a beneficiary larger than just our club in the future to support this effort.

4th Grade Technology CoTeaching4th grade Planning Document
This week we used Seesaw as a way for students to demonstrate their understanding of
factor pairs and to reflect on the the strategies they used in order to solve for the factor pairs of their number. Seesaw allowed for students to stop and analyze their mathematical thinking and provided an interim assessment of student mastery of factors and multiples.

Go For the Gold
* Thank you Kylee Lautenbach, Karen Warner, and Bev Holtzer for representing Gold Rush at the Legend parade!
* Thank you Leadership team for your time and contributions!
* Thank you Kylee Lautenbach and Bev Holtzer for organizing student council!

Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Hawk
Lounge Duty: Dean/Marchese

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...