Monday, September 4, 2017

Click here
 for the staff / professional development the calendar for the year. 

We have several morning meetings this year due to our book study and these days are listed through December.
This Week
* No School!

* 7:30 - Leadership Team Meeting

* SD: Enter CITE 6 data
* 11:00 Erin Kane visit
* Cogat testing

* 2nd Grade planning day
* Jenny admin meeting
* Cogat testing

* Cogat testing

Student Council
Important Dates:
Friday, September 8th- Officer Elections (only 4th and 5th graders)
4th & 5th will come to the gym for the Officer Elections. Officer Elections are only for 4th graders running for Vice President and Treasurer and 5th graders who are running for President and Secretary. Speeches for these elections will need to be sent to Bev and Kylee for approval. We will organize the ballot so after the speeches, the kids will go back to your classrooms to vote. 
Monday, September 11th- Friday, September 15thClass Representative Elections (run by classroom teachers)
Tuesday, September 19th- First Student Council meeting

Mandatory Trainings 
Click here for information regarding mandatory trainings that are required for all staff members.  The following trainings are due by September 8th:

  • Respect at Work
  • Standard Response Protocol
  • Run, Hide, Fight
  • Child Abuse and Neglect Mandatory Training
  • Privacy Act Compliance

Cogat Testing 
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
* 8:45 AM 3rd Grade
* 11:00 AM 5th Grade

Technology Co Teaching Celebrations
Based on feedback from our Tech Committee, we will share highlights from our co-teaching weeks on the Barker to expose staff to various digital tools and the content they are rooted in.

Fifth Grade students created Google Slides presentations to synthesize their learning about the importance of having a Growth Mindset and to teach others what a Growth Mindset is. In addition to learning best practices about the content, formatting, and presentation of Google Slides, students used the extension Screencastify to publish their presentation in a digital way. This allows 5th graders to reach and teach a greater audience. Below is a sample presentation created this week.

Happy Birthday
Janis Panico - September 3rd

Rochelle Evans - September 3rd
Megan Fleet - September 4th
Jamie Marchese - September 7th

Go For the Gold
• Thank you everyone for participating in our Digger Dash assembly!
• Thank you Carolyn Alvey for being so flexible!

Golden Nuggets

Morning Announcements: Broecker
Lounge Duty: Rayens/Stephanie Brown

    Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...