August 2017
This Week
9:00 Meet Your Teacher
12:00 Staff lunch at Hacienda
8:30 Professional Development
8:00-8:30 Breakfast
8:30 Professional Development: Stephanie Harvey in the gym
First Day of School!
8:10 Flag Ceremony
Go For the Gold assembly
9:00 Meet Your Teacher
12:00 Staff lunch at Hacienda
8:30 Professional Development
8:00-8:30 Breakfast
8:30 Professional Development: Stephanie Harvey in the gym
First Day of School!
8:10 Flag Ceremony
Go For the Gold assembly
Meet Your Teacher
* Please collect your student directory and emergency dismissal forms from parents. Turn all forms in together to Anita on Friday, August 11. Give your roster to Libby on Friday.
* Please remind parents to sign up for their Assessment Day if they haven't already.
* If you are not a classroom teacher, please plan on helping direct parents to classrooms. Meet in the vestibule at 8:30.
* Please make sure that you know how your children are getting home each day. You may want to
use Stacie's google form. Don't forget to make a copy of the document if you plan on using it.
Thank you for sharing Stacie!
* Please make sure that you know how your children are getting home each day. You may want to
use Stacie's google form. Don't forget to make a copy of the document if you plan on using it.
Thank you for sharing Stacie!
Flag Ceremony
Please meet your class outside on the front playground no later than 8:10.
Lunchroom Fun
There will be a lunchroom/recess training on August 10 for Full Day Kindergarten and 1st grade.
10:00 AM Martino, Roon & Dean 10:15 Playground
10:15 AM Wilson, Robart & Zankey 10:30 Playground
When dropping off your kids for lunch, please have them carry their cold lunches. Please make sure that your empty lunch tubs are clearly labeled.
Gold For The GOLD
Students will have a Go For the GOLD assembly during their specials time on Friday. If you have the odd schedule, please plan on dropping your students off during the regular grade level specials' time.
* Turn in your own Staff Emergency Form to the office. This form is in your office folder.
* Turn your receipts totaling $100 to PTO. They will reimburse you for spirit wear too.
* Turn in your own Staff Emergency Form to the office. This form is in your office folder.
* Turn your receipts totaling $100 to PTO. They will reimburse you for spirit wear too.
Click here for more Pearson Realize Reminders
Thank you Naomi for sharing!
Happy Birthday!
Rebecca Johnson - August 9th
Rebecca Johnson - August 9th
Go For the Gold
* Thank you to Janis and Anita for all that you do to get us ready for the year! We appreciate your ongoing support and organization!
* Thank you Stephanie Brown and Megan Fleet for leading the new teachers in I Station & blog training!
Golden Nuggets
Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Hawk
Lounge Duty: Dunker/Kramer
Lounge Duty: Dunker/Kramer