This Week
9:30-12:15 3rd grade in-house field trip in the gym
7:30 Tech committee meeting in the tech lab
No staff development
Jenny admin meeting
• Revised planning days:
Kindie - January 26th
3rd Grade - January 27th
2nd Grade - January 30th
• Please complete your mid year self-evaluation in InspireED by January 15th.
• Click here for the revised PLC Day agenda. Our focus will be on pushing students' thinking in math through questions, exploring apps and discussing technology cross grade levels.
• Please remember to put your nomination for a student who has gone above and beyond in the PTO box by Thursday, January 12th.
• PTO will reimburse all K-5 certified staff $100 for supplies or classroom needs. Please submit receipts to the PTO box by the end of February.
• Please sign up for your mid year conference on the calendar on Janis' desk. Classified staff, please email Libby a time that would work for you.
• We are doing an information session for parents that are considering open enrolling at Gold Rush. We will be providing tours from 9:15-10:00. Please know that we may stop in your classroom during that time period.
Robotics STEAM Lab schedule
Go For the Gold
• Thank you teachers for being flexible with your planning days! Thank you Kristi Barta for rearranging all of the subs!
• Thank you Karen Petty for cleaning the lounge when it's not your week!
• Thank you Allison Hawk, Ashley Dalcerri, and Stephanie Brown for teaching in the STEAM lab!
Golden Nuggets
Morning Announcements: Rayens
Lounge Duty: Castro/Meredith