Tuesday, August 2, 2016

August 2016

This week
Monday: 8:30 Flag ceremony
10:00 - First grade lunch/recess practice (Rossi, Martino, Zankey)
10:15 - First grade lunch/recess practice (McMillan, Robart)
Tuesday: 8:20 - Rolling Start begins
Wednesday: SD: OYO - prep for assessment day
Friday: Go For the Gold Assemblies During Specials Time (E person attends grade level time.)

• Please meet your class outside at 8:10 at your cone on Monday, August 8th.
• Please turn in completed Student Directory forms and Emergency Dismissal forms to the office by Wednesday.
• Please give Libby your highlighted class list of those students who are still missing either form by Wednesday.
• If you are interested in serving on our RtI committee, please let Stephanie Brown know by Friday.
• An updated Assessment Day schedule will be in your box on Monday. Please send the reminder email on Monday to parents who have not yet signed up for a time.

Go For the Gold Assembly Schedule
Our annual Go For the Gold Assembly will be Friday, August 12th during regular specials time. The 'E' teacher will bring students during the regular grade level time.

8:40 - AM Kindergarten
9:20 - 5th
10:40 - 4th
11:20 - 3rd
1:20 - 2nd
2:00 - 1st
2:40 - Full Day and PM Kindergarten

Happy Birthday
Sherry Dowling - August 5th

Go For the Gold
• Thank you for a great week last week! We appreciate your willingness to take risks and be open to new learning!
• Thank you Leadership Team and Tech committee for helping plan our first week back!
• Thank you Megan Fleet for all of the time you put in this summer to implement 1:1 tech!
• Thank you Allison Hawk, Ashley Dalcerri, Jeannette Shepherd, Naomi Meredith, Megan Fleet, Stephanie Brown, and Rebecca McMillan for presenting last week!
• Thank you Kristi Barta for planning our awesome lunch!
• Thank you Anita and Janis for all you have done this summer to get ready for the new year!

Golden Nuggets
Lounge Duty:  Castro/Meredith
Morning Announcements: Hawk                              

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...