Sunday, April 3, 2016


This Week:
Monday - Welcome Back!
* 8:00 Leadership team meeting in the Gold Mine room
* 10:35 Severe weather & Lockdown drills
* 5th Grade PARCC testing
* Staff Development: Enter missing CITE evidence
* 5th Grade PARCC testing
* 2nd grade to PACE center
* 5th Grade PARCC testing
* 10:30 Grades 3-5 - Voices of Colorado assembly
* EOY self-evaluations due

• Please remember to NOT use wifi during PARCC testing. 5th grade is testing this week from 1:45-3:15 Wed. – Fri. Click here for the entire schedule.
• EOY self-evaluations are due in InspirED by April 8th.
• Please have evidence for all CITE elements in InspirED. Jenny and Libby will add evidence for 5.2, 5.3, and 5.5.
• Young Voices of Colorado will be performing for grades 3-5 at 10:30 on April 8th. 3rd grade will need to switch lunch times with 1st grade on this day. Thank you for being flexible!
Dates for DRA/F & P testing are posted in the lounge. 

Happy Birthday
Lauren Rayens – April 6th
Pam Ditus – April 9th
Ali Garcia – April 10th

Go For the Gold
• Thank you Amanda Emmons for being so flexible during PARCC!
• Thank you Christy Schwalick for supporting classified staff keeping them so well informed!
• Thank you Gail Golish and Naomi Meredith for all of your hard work with our BOTB teams!

If you have anyone you would like to recognize in the Barker, please let Libby know.

Golden Nuggets
Lounge Duty: Holtzer/Lautenbach             Friday Treats: Office staff
Morning Announcements:  Lautenbach
Morning Supervision: Martino, Woolums, Schwartz, Hurley, Peters, Holtzer

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...