Sunday, March 6, 2016

Congratulations to our Apple Award nominees!


This Week:
* 9:15-4:00 Leadership meeting in the Gold Mine room
* Staff Development: Evaluate a performance-based assessment
* Jenny meeting
* Computers to Gold Mine room
* 8:00 - Optional CITE 1-5 workshop in Gold Mine room

Dates for DRA/F & P testing are all arranged for April and May.  The calendar is posted in the lounge if you need to see it or rearrange your day (no more than 4 people testing per day please).  You are responsible for arranging or entering your sub for your day.  If you prearrange a sub, please send the information to Kristi and she will enter it.  If you enter the absence for any sub to accept the job, be sure you use the code "Planning Time" for the absence.

• Please add any missing evidence to InspirED by March 18th. Libby and Jenny will add elements 5.2, 5.3, and 5.5 for you. Support will be available in the Gold Mine room on the mornings of March 11th and March 17th. 

• EOY self-evaluations are due in InspirED by April 8th.

3rd -5th grade teachers bring ONE of their classroom laptops with power cords and extenders to the Gold Mine room on Thursday, March 10th.

Go For the Gold
• Thank you to all of our fabulous EAs and Gail who have morning and afternoon supervision duties everyday in every kind of weather!
• Thank you Karen Warner, Kerry Dazzio, Karen Petty, and Megan Fleet for two more great performances!
• Congratulations Christy Schwalick for being a finalist at the Apple Awards!

If you have anyone you would like to recognize in the Barker, please let Libby know.

Golden Nuggets
Lounge Duty:             Poli/Wilson                Friday Treats: SPED/SPED EAs
Morning Announcements:  Dalcerri
Morning Supervision: M. Lewis, Meier, Castro, Evans, Poli, Lautenbach

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...