This Week:
* 9:30-10:30 Parent coffee around EPRs in the Gold Mine room
* Staff Development: Winter Cheer in the conference room
* 5:00-6:00 SAC meeting at Legend high school
Patti at GRE
* Staff party - See info below
* Teacher work day
EPRs need to be released by 4:00 Friday afternoon. Specials' teachers need to have their portion of the EPR completed before you release them. Libby will let you know when they are finished.
Libby will send a step-by-step guide on how to release EPRs later this week.
Mid- year self evaluations need to be completed before January 15th.
We will provide a rotating sub to cover your class to complete mid year
conferences by January 31st. You will be able to sign up for your time after break.
Please enter reading scores into IC AND
into the document we created this fall by December 18th.
If you did not work the day before fall break, please plan on working on
December 18th.
• Please let the office know when your class is having their winter party. Please try to keep them to an hour and the remainder of the day as normal as possible.
Staff Party
Our annual GRE Holiday Party will be held at the home of Libby's
parents in Castle Pines on Thursday, December 17, from 4:30 until we're
done!! The address is 62 Indigo Way, Castle Rock, 80108. If you
need detailed directions, let Libby know.
Your social committee dues will provide food. Please bring
your own drinks. We hope EVERYONE will be able to attend and celebrate
the holiday season. ALL are welcome!!
Happy Birthday
Castro – December 17th
Fugier – December 17th
Rademacher – December 24th
Go For the Gold
• Thank you Anita Rudman, Kristi Barta, and Jamie Marchese
for organizing and attending Kindergarten registration!
• Thank you Karen Petty for a wonderful choir concert!
• Thank you Karen Petty for a wonderful choir concert!
If you have anyone you would like to recognize in the
Barker, please let Libby know.
Golden Nuggets
Lounge Duty: Simpson/Braden Friday Treats: No treats!
Morning Announcements:
Morning Supervision: M. Lewis, Meier, Castro, Evans, Poli,
Step-by-Step Quick Start Guides
Progress Report (EPR)