Sunday, November 29, 2015
Adeline Deming Brown
This Week:
Monday: 11:00-12:00 Libby
PARCC meeting
Tuesday: 5th
grade field trip to lung lab
Patti at GRE
Wednesday: 5th
grade field trip to lung lab
Staff Development: OYO or EPR
support in the Gold Mine room
Collaboration around EPRs in the Gold Mine room
Thursday: 8:00 Libby admin
Friday: Patti at GRE
• Teachers in grades 3, 4, and 5,
please give Libby the names of your students who need accommodations.
Documenting these accommodations needs to begin December 1st.
Staff development will be on your own this week to work on EPRs. If
you have students who need differentiated outcomes/content we have created a
schedule for you to collaborate with SPED/SSN teachers. Click here for the schedule.
Please check the expiration date on your teaching license. License information
can be viewed in Workday (About Me > Personal tab > IDs)
applications will be accepted by CDE up to six months prior to the expiration
date. Any teacher whose license will expire in the next three months
should apply for renewal immediately. It is the responsibility of each
licensed employee to maintain a current Colorado license.
Pepsi Machine Refunds
If you ever lose money in the Pepsi machine, there are forms
attached to the side of the machine that you can fill out and tape to the front
of the machine. When the Pepsi delivery man comes, he will take the forms and
give the refund to Janis. She will then distribute it to you.
Happy Birthday
Christy Schwalick - December 5th
Go For the Gold
• Thank you Janis, Anita, Elizabeth and Christi for all of
your help organizing Digger’s Feast!
If you have anyone you would like to recognize in the
Barker, please let Libby know.
Golden Nuggets
Lounge Duty: Dazzio/Warner Friday
Treats: Fifth/Childcare
Morning Announcements:
Morning Supervision: Rossi, McMillan, Russell, Bettner, A.
Lewis, Rayens
Expectations for regarding, parent information, scoring
Step-by-Step Quick Start Guides
Progress Report (EPR)