September 2015
This Week
* Director visits classrooms - Focus on evidence of the GVCs
* Director visits classrooms - Focus on evidence of the GVCs
* 8:00-8:50 All staff lockdown
training @ Gold Mine Rm
* 9:20-9:30 Lockdown drill
* 8:00-3:30 Jenny admin meeting
* Deadline: Enter DRA into IC
* 9:30-10:30 K-2 Harlem Ambassadors Anti-bullying Assembly
* 10:30-11:30 3-5 Harlem Ambassadors Anti-bullying Assembly
• Certified Staff - Please upload the following items in InspirED when you've completed them: 1) year long grade level curriculum document completed our first week back in August 2) DRA data collection document with student goal setting & parent communication. Please see Jenny, Kristi or Libby for help uploading documents.
• All staff will need to complete the mandatory trainings to
be in compliance with policies (district and statewide.) Here is the Link for the mandatory trainings. Here is information on how to sign up for the abuse and neglect course:
Registering for the Abuse & Neglect Course
- Sign up for this class in InspirEd under our building session.
- The staff member registers for the Child Abuse & Neglect Mandatory Reporting under their building session
- Search for #736 in the InspirED search engine. Look for the staff member specific building session.
- Submit a screenshot and/or printed copy verifying completion of the quizzes and provide this documentation of completion to principal and/or assistant.
The process for completing the other mandatory training classes, Respect at Work and Standard Response Protocol, has not changed. They may still be accessed through the links provided on the PD website or through the link to mandatory trainings above.
• Please make sure your August paycheck is correct in
• If you are interested in serving on our RtI committee,
please let Libby or Stephanie Brown know. RtI meetings are held Friday mornings
at 8:15.
Go For the Gold
• Thank you to all of the teachers who participated in our
three-legged race!
• Thank you Karen Warner for letting us use the gym for the
• Thank you Abbey Lewis for offering to supervise our
band/orchestra students!
Happy Birthday
Janis Panico – September 3rd
Rochelle Evans – September 3rd
Megan Fleet – September 4th
Golden Nuggets
Lounge Duty: Meredith/Schwartz Friday Treats: Kindie/Preschool
Morning Announcements:
Morning Supervision: Martino, Woolums, Schwartz, Hurley,
Peters, Holtzer
Leadership Team Notes:
* Please see your leadership team representative for additional information.