August /September 2015
Events This Week
8:30 SSN Aide Meeting @ SSN Room
9:30 Fire drill
2:00-3:00 3-5 Student Council Speeches
Staff Development - On Your Own: Prepare for Back To School Night & Assessment Days3:15-3:45 4 & 5 Grade Band & Orchestra Assembly
6:00-6:30 Back to School Night Session 1
6:45-7:15 Back to School Night Session 2
8:45-3:15 Assessment Day * Take your picture between 7:30-3:15
8:45-3:15 Assessment Day * Take your picture between 7:30-3:15
8:45-3:15 Assessment Day * Take your picture between 8:15 - 3:15
• All reading data should be entered into IC by September 4th. You will need to enter this information on a copy of the google doc that Kristi sent you by August 25th so we can set goals for students at staff development.
• Please give Libby your class list indicating who has/has not turned
in their two forms by Tuesday.
• Please turn in class directory form and emergency form to
the office by Wednesday.
• If you would like the paper catalogue for Scholastic Book orders please let Elizabeth Meuli know.
• An envelope was put in your box for social committee dues. Certified is $30 and classified is $15. There is a flyer explaining what the dues are used for throughout the year.
• An envelope was put in your box for social committee dues. Certified is $30 and classified is $15. There is a flyer explaining what the dues are used for throughout the year.
• If you are interested in serving on our RtI committee,
please let Libby or Stephanie Brown know. RtI meetings are held Friday mornings
at 8:15.
• All staff will need to complete the mandatory trainings to
be in compliance with policies (district and statewide.) Here is the Link for the mandatory trainings.
• Click here for
recess norms.
Getting Ready for Assessment Day
Click here for the schedule and assignments for Assessment Days. If you have questions please touch base with Libby, Kristi or Jenny.
* Look through your DRA kits and make sure all books are there. If not connect with your
teammates to see if they have extra copies. Its a great idea to label your books with your room
* Review the DRA & F & P Norms that were placed in your mailbox.
* Review the exemplars in your DRA manual.
* Start gathering your students' approximate starting levels.
* Grab enough student recording sheets for your kiddos (in the workroom).
Back to School Night:
* Discuss with your grade level team common communication points (i.e. grade level practices).
* Be sure to include the following:
- Provide an overview of the grade level curriculum
- Share how to best communicate with you
- Share your blog
- Share homework practices
- Check out math resource guides to parents
- General classroom and school procedures
• If you are interested in leading
the Math Olympiad with Kristi Barta on Tuesday mornings from 8:15-9:00 please let her know.
This runs from October thru spring break.
• We now have access to online resources around Project
Wisdom. These are in class lessons that accompany the morning Words of Wisdom. If you are interested in using these materials here is how to register:
Click on register
Key in the following:
Your Project Wisdom School ID: 18894
Zip code: 80134
Happy Birthday
Becky Woolums – August 19th
Go For the Gold
• Thank you for a great first week of school! Students are
so happy and love their teachers!
• Thank you Karen Warner, Kerry Dazzio, Karen Petty and Alex
Roberts for planning the Go For the Gold assembly on Friday!
• Thank you Janet Hurley, Karen Warner and Alex Roberts for
helping with the grade level cones!
• Thank you Anita Rudman for making additions to teacher
blogs and corrections to the website in Megan’s absence!
Golden Nuggets
Lounge Duty: Moore/Woolums Friday Treats: SPED and SPED EAs
Morning Announcements:
Morning Supervision: M.
Lewis, Meier, Castro, Evans, Poli, Lautenbach