Sunday, April 19, 2015

April 2015

Monday – CMAS: 5th Grade @ 10:30-12:00 & 4th Grade @ 1:45-3:15
Tuesday – CMAS: 5th Grade @ 10:30-12:00 & 4th Grade @ 1:45-3:15
Wednesday – CITE 6 meeting 8:00 @ Jeannette  Shepperd’s room
            Staff development: Inquiry Book Study
            CMAS: 5th Grade @ 10:30-12:00 & 4th Grade @ 1:45-3:15
Thursday – Libby admin meeting – 8:00.                             
Friday – Conference comp day. No school!
• Please refrain from being on the internet or streaming music/videos during CMAS testing times.
• Please do not prop any doors open. Our perimeter is to be secure at all times.
• Please remember the norm to finish all recesses by 3:40.
• Our Junior Achievement date is Friday, May 15th. Click here for more information on your grade level.

CMAS  Schedule:  Monday - Wednesday
5th grade – 10:30-12:00
4th grade – 1:45 – 3:15
Please remember to not be on wifi during these times.

SPED/RtI, kindie, 3rd, and 4th:
All materials to Gold Mine room by Thursday, April 30th.
Power cords
iPad headphones
Power strips

3rd grade materials will be returned Thursday, May 7th.
5th grade will drop off their materials on May 7th.
All remaining materials will be returned Thursday, May 14th.
Thank you for your flexibility!

Date Change
EOY PARCC test for 3rd and 4th grades will now be May 4th, 5th and 6th. This is a change from May 5th, 6th and 7th.

Happy Birthday
Misti Wilson – April 24th

Go For the GOLD
• Thank you Gail Golish for an outstanding book fair!
• Thank you leadership team for your feedback and great ideas last week!
• Thank you Karen Petty for a great assembly!
• Thank you Megan for getting the computers ready for CMAS!

Golden Nuggets
Lounge Duty: Hawk/Holtzer                       Friday Treats: No Treats
Morning Announcements:  Hawk

Morning Supervision: M. Lewis, Pearne, Castro, Evans, Gray, Lautenbach

Leadership Team Notes

Draft Schedule for 2015-2016 (see below)

* Gold Rush is one of two feeders participating in a new special education model.  The model will requires we serve all sped students with 1.5 special educators compared to 2.0.  The remaining .5 will go to an assessment specialist.  The need to service many students in the afternoon resulted in the changes to the grade 4 and 5 schedule.

* Changes to third and second grade specials/lunch was due to the fact that we wanted less students in the cafeteria.  Most students eat around noon as full day K and K enrichment also eat at this time.  We changed the 2nd and 3rd grade schedules as there will only be 4 sections of second grade next year.

* We are working on a school recess schedule, the library schedule and the schedule of the "odd man out" schedule in grades 3-5.  Stay tuned!

Class Placement
* We will begin class placement on May 6th.
* RtI and special education students will not be placed in the same class due to the sped schedule.
* Special educators and RtI will work with classroom teachers to preplace students.
* Our goal will be to create balanced classes.  We will place with teachers' names on lists.
* We will indicate students who require additional time on our coding system (X on the top of the

Beginning of the Year
* We will keep our same beginning of the year schedule as we had this year (Meet Your Teacher, Back to School Night & Assessment Days).  We traded the December work day for an additional day in August.

* Parents will sign up for Meet Your Teacher Day for one of the following five 25 minute slots: 10:00-10:25, 10:30-10:55, 11:00-11:25, 11:30-11:55, 12:00-12:25.  This will allow parents and students time to connect on a more personal level.  We will have a faux staff meeting at 12:30 so we are all able to dismiss for lunch.

* Assessment Days will be held the Thursday and Friday of the second week of school so that students are not tested on day 1. During our assessment days students will be assessed on DRAs, I station math and I station reading.  See information below regarding I station.

August 2015

READ Act Assessments
* After reviewing several assessments for READ Act, Gold Rush will move forward in all grades by implementing the I Station Assessment in reading and math next fall.  This will give us time to play with this assessment before it is required for CITE 6.

* Teachers liked I station because of its quick assessment times (15 minutes), teacher reports, game like feel for students, progress monitoring feature, and instructional elements.  This assessment will replace AIMSweb reading and math.

* Teachers on the leadership team are piloting this assessment now and all students will be assessed in math during technology.  We will show teachers how to access their class reports.

School Goals & Theme for 2015-2016
* We will focus on performance based assessments and teaching to the World Class Outcomes.  We want to ensure that our staff development aligns to CITE needs so teachers are able to advance.

* Teachers expressed an interested in working with cross grade level teams more frequently.

* Our theme next year will be connecting both personally and professionally.

Thursday morning with 11 classrooms to go! Thank you to everyone for helping this week! Week of May 18 Last Week of School!  REMIN...