March 2015
Monday – Friday Grade 5 PARCC testing
Wednesday – Staff development CITE 6 - Writing Goal Setting: Bring your formative data
Thursday – Jenny and Libby at meeting
• If you would like to submit any new evidence
for CITE, please do so by Friday, March 13th.
• We will be returning classroom computers by
March 10th for 4th grade and March 16th for
grades K, 1, 2, and 5.
• We will need all computers (not 1st
or 2nd grade) brought back to the Gold Mine room by the morning of
April 16th for CMAS testing.
• If your class is going out for recess at a
time that is different than normal, please let Libby or Jenny know.
• Libby is working on setting up a day for
Junior Achievement. Please let her know the dates of any field trips in May.
• Please pick up your class on time
from lunch recess. It is difficult for aides to supervise all students from
different grade levels if you are late.
• Please remind your students to walk quietly
in the hallways during PARCC testing.
• If you have Library during testing times,
please remind your class that students are testing in the lab.
• SPED/RtI/ELL teachers will be proctoring
PARCC. Thank you for being flexible if they cannot see your students.
• Please remember to not use wifi during
testing times.
In order to be ready for ‘Workday’ please log into our current ESS
(Employee Self Service) and enter missing dependent SSN’s, update emergency
contacts and fill in your education.
Please walk your student out of the building at the end of the day!
Date Change
grade Social Studies and 5th Grade Science CMAS testing will be
April 20, 21, and 22.
Go For the GOLD
• Thank you Stephanie Brown, Ashley Gray, and
Kristi Barta for proctoring at the last minute!
• Thank you teachers for doing a great job
• Thank you Karen, Karen, Kerry, and Megan
for another great performance!
• Thank you MaryBeth Wilson for subbing!
Golden Nuggets
Lounge Duty: Nolan/Shepperd Friday Treats: Specials
Morning Announcements: Dalcerri
Morning Supervision: M. Lewis, Pearne,
Castro, Evans, Gray, Lautenbach