March 2015
Monday – Grades 3 and 4 PARCC testing
Tuesday – Technology and comprehension class
Wednesday – Staff development-CITE 6
calculator. Please bring a charged computer.
Thursday – Jenny meeting
1st and 2nd
grade performances 6:30-8:00
• We have had a hard time getting substitutes. Please schedule subs early and try to make all appointments outside of the school day if possible. We appreciate your help!
• Please remind your students to walk quietly in the hallways during PARCC testing.
• Please remind your students to walk quietly in the hallways during PARCC testing.
• SPED/RtI/ELL teachers will be proctoring
PARCC. Thank you for being flexible if they cannot see your students.
• Please remember to not use wifi during
testing times.
• Libby will put a hard copy of PARCC tips in
proctors’ boxes on Monday.
In order to be ready for ‘Workday’ please log into our current ESS
(Employee Self Service) and enter missing dependent SSN’s, update emergency
contacts and fill in your education.
Please walk your student out of the building at the end of the day!
Happy Birthday
Hurley – March 5th
Go For the GOLD
• Thank you everyone for the time and effort
you put into conferences!
• Thank you teachers for being flexible during PARCC!
• Thank you Megan & Libby for all your work getting ready for PARCC!
• Thank you Libby and Kristi for subbing!
• Thank you teachers for being flexible during PARCC!
• Thank you Megan & Libby for all your work getting ready for PARCC!
• Thank you Libby and Kristi for subbing!
Golden Nuggets
Lounge Duty: Cieply/Meredith Friday Treats: Fifth/Childcare
Morning Announcements: Hawk
Morning Supervision: Shepperd, Marchese,
Meredith, Braden, Kramer, Dalcerri